Magik is "outdated"

7.2.2 Mag X boss
Except firing off a single sp2 at the start he didn't do anything else other than get beat up by a blonde chick in the corner
No hassle of dexing that annoying sp1 and easy prowess on the wall.
Magik is still the Power Control Queen! π€
7.2 really got use out of my entire squad. A few R1s joined the party, and the only R3s I didn't use were Doc Ock, Rhino, and surprisingly Corvus-though if he wasn't in AQ every day he probably would have seen action too.
That is all....
After the whole process, I came to realize how handy her Sig is tho.
Its the same reason why some ghosters use generic sig stones on her, even though she isnβt the best choice for them , compared to champs like beardo or omega red