Is this game now becoming fully "pay to play" ??

Just watched the brain grant video, he said exactly the same that was going in my mind.
I have bieng playing this game for nearly 3 years and I was already feeling that the difference between p2p and f2p was growing through years. What a free to play can do in a year with lot of struggle is easily doable by a pay to play in a month with struggling a lot.
I am not saying that kabam should stop there income, they should do that. That's there job and it's right but they should also respect the free to play players. They should give them a chance to compete closely with those spenders ( if not excel them)
I feel like I am a just a forgotten part of the game ( f2p) and would like to see how community feels.
Thank you for time kabam ( if you are seeing this)
I have bieng playing this game for nearly 3 years and I was already feeling that the difference between p2p and f2p was growing through years. What a free to play can do in a year with lot of struggle is easily doable by a pay to play in a month with struggling a lot.
I am not saying that kabam should stop there income, they should do that. That's there job and it's right but they should also respect the free to play players. They should give them a chance to compete closely with those spenders ( if not excel them)
I feel like I am a just a forgotten part of the game ( f2p) and would like to see how community feels.
Thank you for time kabam ( if you are seeing this)
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
I said without struggling. The auto correct sucks
Anyone can download the game and play it without spending money.
That said, the usage of Top Up in the H2H shard deal did trigger flashbacks of playing terrible p2w cash-and-burn Asian mobile games.
If they introduce VIP levels in the sigil, then you can consider me shook.
Really though, Kabam -- don't borrow that terminology. Even if you try something like that, just the terminology makes me wanna jump ship.
These days game is more like - Spend to grow faster & if not then play it for years. RNG is worst, lack of more contents, Too many bugs and now past few months glitches. Arena went for a toss, moderators barely replying in Bugs section in forum. AW is still awful, rewards there are majorly very poor. AQ needed an overhaul way back, but they are doing things in a very slow pace
People here will come bashing and disagreeing coz it's not yet going against their ideology, but honestly this game is slowly taking a down trend and Kabam needs tk seriously think on it and rework on the plans with faster pace rather being super slow
That will probably be the beginning of the end of MCOC fr F2P
The only thing that's changed is the messed up arena. I am really feeling the reduction of obtainable units. But if they revert it to the original values someday, it'll be fine again.
Edit: I also wanna add that the game is fully playable without spending a penny/cent/whatever. Even without insane skill. I am a pretty lame player, and I have still been able to comfortably finish all story up to 7.2 and do multiple Variants. If something, I would call this a "pay-to-have-fun" game. It makes stuff much easier but isn't necessary
New Champions aren’t released in the basic pool for months already. And when you first have a chance to get a new champion it’s VIA A PAYWALL and you aren’t complaining over that.
And plus she isn’t even going to be EXTRAORDINARY . Have you read her abilities? She’s a decent champion but nothing game breaking. Nothing to get all huffy and puffy about. Sure she may be a fan favorite but Deadpool is too and yet again you aren’t complaining about that
Plus it’s nice to get better value for spending $10.
And again who said that getting her is necessary?
People seem to forget there was a pay to obtain champ at the start of the game. He wasn`t that good and he was more of a trophy champ.
Saying this champ will cause the game to become pay to play is like saying the game demands you to be a legend otherwise you don`t get Weapon-X.
Even if they make her a good champ, I doubt she will have something in her kit that no other champ has.
The game will only lean towards Pay to Play as soon as a piece of progression content comes out that is only playable for paying players. For example if act 8 is only accessible if you have the sigil or if the cap for a new rank of champion can only be obtained by having the sigil.
None paying players can still clear the exact same content paying players do, just a little slower or with more time investment.
No we don’t, so what’s up with the apprehension and speculation? The reaction at this time is irrational.
No where is it mentioned that it will be available for free to play as well.
Tbh I don't care about her that much. I care about the credits being added to get more stuff. On paper it should be decent stuff in the future to make you buy the sigil for the credits. The precedent is right now 1st cab off the rank in a 6* that you can specifically target and choose, no RNG required, no competition like legend run just buy this and get this with the new currency and what else is coming with that currency in the future?
A currency that has no way to be acquired without cash isn't right.
Ironically, this, together with all the bugs and the worsening of F2P game experience (Arena), makes me spending even less on the game.
What is a big deal however is that arenas were completely screwed for the average FTP, haven't been fixed for nearly 3 weeks this close to 4th July.
This makes me think the unit deals this time are gonna be absolute gold b'coz nobody will have enough and will have to spend in the unit store.
Personally I'm losing 300-400 units from arena grinding every week.(this is the 3rd week going on).
If you expect a FTP player can achieve similar game / roster progress as PTP player, assuming similar skill level between FTP and PTP, I think it is feasible if that FTP player spent more time to grind. Even though I admitted that the new arena make it harder for FTP to get units vs the old one.
Anyway I still think that this game is not FTP unfriendly. Take grandmaster fight as example, you can knock him down itemless if you are skillful enough. Some players spent 3000 units still stuck at the initial stage of the fight. It’s a fair game in this respect.
One single mediocre 6* champion is not a big deal. If this was the next ghost or quake I’d have a problem.
Plus, we don’t know how she will be available next. It may well be free to play, it may be spending. We don’t know. All this “outrage” is premature and unwarranted.
On one hand spending players while gaining significant progress advantages, keep the game alive, and then we have f2p players who grind hard to try to match the gap between end game spenders and end game f2p players. Bridging Content between these two is a complex issue and we can all spitball ideas and say do this or that, but its just not that simple, we need a solution that impacts everyone in the long run.
I like the game a lot and I already see most of my alliance mates stopped playing the game due to arena changes.
I will continue to play the game, but seeing as these player counts drop one by one may seem insignificant right now, but it will all add up one day, when spenders can no longer justify there expenditure on the game with most free to play player base gone.
I request Kabam to do something about this, I don't want this game to burn out.
1. Charge a fee to download the game
2. Charge a fee to access quest content
Is it pay to win? Yes. It always has been. The biggest spenders have always had a major advantage over non spenders. This isn't a new concept and has been a part of free to play multiplayer games since their inception.
This game has one of the friendliest free to play models I’ve ever seen, you can do every piece of content in the game 0 money spent, if you put the work in. Getting and staying at the top however, is a different story. Brian grant has shown it’s possible, but that man spends most of his time grinding arena, made possible by YouTube, but those of us with jobs and other commitments don’t have the same opportunity. The top will be unreachable for most players and that’s ok. There needs to be significant advantages for spending, or the game dries out and nobody will be able to play.
The second people stop measuring themselves against the top, you start to have a lot more fun in this game. Play at your own pace, enjoy the game for what it is. It’s like thinking I’m a bad runner, why am I even trying, because you’re comparing yourself to Usain Bolt. Just enjoy yourself.
This argument could go any way really - why should people with a solid block of 12+ hours to themselves only be the people who can get a weapon-x? It's unfair on people who have commitments, social duties, jobs, kids etc.
Of course it's not unfair, it's just how things go. From any given perspective, there will always be something someone thinks is unfair on them and again, it's just how things go.