How to fix Air Walker

Air walker is a cool looking champ with great animations but he’s got a terribly painful ramp-up. And once he’s ramped up he’s good but nothing close to game breaking compared to champs like cosmic ghost rider who just start out OP. What do you think would be the best way to fix him?
How to fix Air Walker 47 votes
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
on heavy rather than ending on light also; takes so long it’s hard to manage and keep them up and stacking. Also would increase DOT from dark tide. Longer lasting Galactus buff too. Some sort of immunities to incinerate at least, maybe coldsnap too.
1. Air-Walker can use his sp3 once he has applied 10 Dark Tide Debuffs to the opponent. Only has to apply them, so it's fine if the opponent purifies/removes some. Plus, it's already part of Air-Walker's rotation to try and apply 10 Dark Tide, so it slots in neatly.
2. Dark Tide Debuffs each increase the duration of Armor Break by 20%. Simple enough, but it makes upkeep a lot easier.
3. Air-Walker's final Light Attack should refresh ALL Armor Breaks, not just a measly 2.
4. Galactus' Favor has its duration, Attack increase, and Regeneration potency all increased by +50% per Power Cosmic Buff on Special Activation. Might be a little too OP, but I'm not sure how to balance this last one.