Are you going to go for the next featured 6*

Personally I am because thanks to @BitterSteel he has made me now hunting for Mr.Negative. He is sooo cool of a champion and he is very underrated compared to other champs. Yeah, Shang chi is another person I would like to get, but I just got him as a 5* at r5, so I don’t see any reason why I would want two, but I won’t complain if I get him. Odin is much better since the buff, so I wouldn’t be to mad. Mangog is very interesting and I kind of need a good mystic 6*. Jabari is another I would like to get. Silver centurion in my opinion is the least desirable champ out of the featured champs in this crystal, but we will see who else will be in this crystal.
I’ll probably get shafted but hey it’ll be fun
Best of luck with him! I hope you get him. I’ve got 75k 6* shards so far ready for the next featured. Mr negative is my top pull, but any of the 6 featured would be cool
Jabari is a possible r3 and Shang chi is definite.
Mr Negative is the most interested I've been in a character the entire year.
Hopefully the other science champs are good, fingers crossed Mr fantastic makes it since he was buffed recently. If Red guardian/CAIW are in there I'm going all in til the next featured.
It really depends on the filler champs, I guess.
Want a Stryfe awakening before I can consider giving him a mutant T5cc and I definitely would not mind pulling Immortal Abomination, Thor, or awakening Spider-Ham or Doctor Strange.
Slight consolation that they're buff candidates (smart play)