Could someone explain something for me please?

I’m not very good at this game, but neither am I completely inept. I can take on enemies ( unbuffed or unassisted) about 3-4K above my champs, and will win a few more than I lose. Most games involving tiered combat works that way as far as my experience goes. You strive to improve, gain experience by taking on higher levels and bosses. But this game uses a mechanic I don’t quite understand?
Why boost bosses way beyond the capability of the player?
For example, if I take my top lvl 3s and a few level 4s , all at around 2.7 - 3.5k , onto a quest , I’ve got a total of about 14k , and the quest recommends, say, 10k . I get in there, and 7 or 8 opponents lie ahead, all about 5k each. So, I battle my way through, use a revive and a few healing pots to get to the boss, and there I find an 8.5k boss glowing orange or purple.?
It doesn’t make any sense? If you then throw in the extremely punishing bleed, degenerate, incinerate etc… you’ve punished severely a player for doing better than their stats suggest, in effect it makes the boss unbeatable and the quest unfinishable.
Look, I know I’ll be accused of being a whiner and a whinge, I don’t care, I’m just genuinely baffled why make a game that is difficult enough to master….impossible to compete.?
Bosses that hard, at the end of a quest that was already extremely brutal is… well, ok, I’ll say it, unfair.
I don’t like easy games. I like my console games on survival or mental, and I love punishing games like the Souls trilogy, but this Marvel Coc is brutally unforgiving for those already trying to punch above their weight. The bosses do not need to be impossible, just difficult.
Why boost bosses way beyond the capability of the player?
For example, if I take my top lvl 3s and a few level 4s , all at around 2.7 - 3.5k , onto a quest , I’ve got a total of about 14k , and the quest recommends, say, 10k . I get in there, and 7 or 8 opponents lie ahead, all about 5k each. So, I battle my way through, use a revive and a few healing pots to get to the boss, and there I find an 8.5k boss glowing orange or purple.?
It doesn’t make any sense? If you then throw in the extremely punishing bleed, degenerate, incinerate etc… you’ve punished severely a player for doing better than their stats suggest, in effect it makes the boss unbeatable and the quest unfinishable.
Look, I know I’ll be accused of being a whiner and a whinge, I don’t care, I’m just genuinely baffled why make a game that is difficult enough to master….impossible to compete.?
Bosses that hard, at the end of a quest that was already extremely brutal is… well, ok, I’ll say it, unfair.
I don’t like easy games. I like my console games on survival or mental, and I love punishing games like the Souls trilogy, but this Marvel Coc is brutally unforgiving for those already trying to punch above their weight. The bosses do not need to be impossible, just difficult.
Everyone playing the game has hit a wall at some point, and no fight in this game is impossible full stop.
Keep going man, maybe if you wanted to you could post your roster and what you’re stuck on, there’s a lot of knowledgeable people here willing to help. Up to you
Here’s just one example of the extent it goes beyond just being very tough.
Yesterday I fought my way through one of the later levels on Heroic on the new quest line , my two best were 4star Doom and Tigra, backed with maxed 3* Widow (D.O) , stealth Spidey, and Nova. Battled through 4.5k -5k enemies, battered and bruised, and come up against a 10k Blade glowing orange. All 5 of my champs wiped out with barely a 5% loss on Blade.
To me, that’s beyond tough, it’s borderline stupidly unfair.
You're champions are more than enough to complete that level of content. The problem is you, who is yet to learn and adapt to the difficulty and mechanics of the game.
Just take your time. Back out and go explore story quests until you learn more about the game. Always read the text boxes that usually appear to explain some stuff about thegame as well.
This isn't a simple game. There are over 200 characters, every character has different abilities than other's, and can have even more if the quest provides them with it
I’m gonna go and rank these champions, I’m gonna practice this, I’m gonna wait and pull some better champions. I’m gonna leave it for now with my maxed 3*, and I’m gonna come back when I’ve got higher ranked 4*.
Then you come back, and when you’re a stronger more experienced player, you will mow down that fight and wonder how you were ever stuck on it.
That’s the entire model of this game, to keep pushing as far as you can, then when you hit a roadblock take a pause and advance in other ways. Get more champs, make your current champs stronger etc.
With your point of view how can any challenge be in the game? It’s all relative to where you are in the game. What’s challenging to you right now is very easy to someone else. But what’s easy to you may challenge someone lower than you.
Imagine a fight you find very simple, normal difficulty for example. Someone taking 2* into that may find it very hard, should it be reduced in difficulty just because they find it hard?
Right, are you having an issue with a particular quest? If you can, can you post what quest and what champs you have to work with.
Don't pay much attention to the defender P.I. It doesn't really mean much. With champions having class advantage or damage over time effects, defenders can have a much higher P.I and still be taken down. You'll see this all over the game. Easiest place to see this is Realm of Legends. It says you need a team rating of 99999999999 or something like that and fights in there can be done with 2*'s.
Once you get past the defender P.I mentally as not something to worry about, you'll be better off. Focus on counters more than anything.
You haven't seen these nodes ever being how new you are and the level you're at. Watch this video and it will make more sense.
This game usually puts the rewards you want a level (or two) above you. This is the part you've kind of caught on to, but in order to get those rewards you need to do exactly as you said - strive to improve and gain experience by taking on higher levels/bosses. Failure is an innate part of this game and something that all of us accepts. Everyone has failed at a boss before. It forces you to get better. You mentioned that you love punishing games. Honestly, this game is what you say you want, you just have to learn more about it.
Before you ever waste any energy in a quest, make sure to check the node. You will either notice it as orange or purple if it's linked. Once you know the nodes, looks for counters. If you don't understand counters, you can literally go into YT and type in exactly what to do, or ask here.
Also, you may know this already, but if not, each champion has strengths/weaknesses. One of the things you shouldn't always concern yourself with is class disadvantage/advantage and it's the easiest way to really get lost in this game. Just because skill has a PI advantage over science doesn't mean Nick Fury is a good champ against Abomination.
TL;DR This game is nuanced and you need to understand it better. Know what champions can/can't do and the types of node interactions and you will be able to take on harder content.
Don’t worry. Like everything, it takes time. You’ll eventually be able to handle it, even with your current champs. Just takes some practice.
I don't think Heroic level players have been introduced to Flux Dispersal & Life Cycle
1) as you learn more about the game mechanics, you will be able to kill opponents with higher score. Realistically, 2-3x your score is an average fight (so with 3k champion, you should eventually be able to solo-kill a 6-9k enemy).
2) those purple/orange things are called "nodes". They give the champion an extra ability and also increase their score. There are 3 types:
Orange - local node. It boosts a champion who stands on the map position
Purple - linked node. This one can be removed via defeating another champ on one of the paths (they are marked if you look at the maps closely. Thise who boost others have a purple symbol in their top right corner)
Grey - global node. This one affects each and every champion on the whole map. Of course, just like linked nodes it must have some source. There will be champs on the map with a grey globe in their top right corner
3) this game is a lot about strategy and planning. You told us about some bleed°en. First off you need to read the champion's abilities and also the nodes he has in the quest. Then you can come up with a counter. Example: the boss has a node that says "inflict a bleed, dealing 100% of attacker's max hp over 60 seconds". What do you do? Yes, you take a bleed immune champion and the problem is solved (in this case you could take in Omega Red but let's not make it overly complicated)
4) boss - bosses have a higher score than other champions, that's true. But you also have all 5 of your champions to deal with that one. If you go in and take 20% of his hp with each of your champions, you win, because you can chip away the health with all your team members, one by one.