Best way to spend my units earned from grinding arenas

I'm a bit lost as to where to go from here. I restarted playing this game in June and have grinded every basic arena since. I now have 11 four star champs at 4/40 - SW, Wolverine, Iceman, AA, DV, Hyperion, Stark SM, GP, CA WW2, Ultron, and Magik. All are duped except for Magik, Ultron, Iceman, and Stark SM. I have 50 four-star champs all together, most at 2/20, and the notable one missing (as far as clearing content) is SL. I don't have the catalysts to take any of them to 5/50 yet. I only have 3 five star heroes, all unduped (Hulk, WS, OML)
I've completed act 4 but not explored it, and have completed the first 3 chapters of RTL.
As far as masteries I have DW at 4/5, MD at 4/5, GC at 3/3 and Assassin at 1/5. I do not have willpower or any suicide masteries unlocked.
I earn about 1000 units per week from grinding the arenas and quests. I can explore most of act iv without spending units on potions(would spend them to speed it up) but am not skilled enough to complete RTL or Master Mode without spending a decent amount on units!
My initial thought was that I need to grind out fully exploring act IV to get the catalysts to take a few heroes to 5/50 to be able to finish 5.1 and 5.2.
Thank you for any help. This is going to be a long task, so I want to make sure I don't waste a lot of time and units on a fool's mission. All these units are going to come from grinding, so we're looking at 4k per month max
I've completed act 4 but not explored it, and have completed the first 3 chapters of RTL.
As far as masteries I have DW at 4/5, MD at 4/5, GC at 3/3 and Assassin at 1/5. I do not have willpower or any suicide masteries unlocked.
I earn about 1000 units per week from grinding the arenas and quests. I can explore most of act iv without spending units on potions(would spend them to speed it up) but am not skilled enough to complete RTL or Master Mode without spending a decent amount on units!
My initial thought was that I need to grind out fully exploring act IV to get the catalysts to take a few heroes to 5/50 to be able to finish 5.1 and 5.2.
Thank you for any help. This is going to be a long task, so I want to make sure I don't waste a lot of time and units on a fool's mission. All these units are going to come from grinding, so we're looking at 4k per month max
Best way to spend my units earned from grinding arenas 55 votes
After that work on masteries.
also, saving them for offers is also a good idea
no one will give u sucha good advise lool
Think of Suicides later. Get Willpower, Deep Wounds, Assasin, Glass Canon masteries .
P.S : My vote is completely intact .. it needs investment in masteries and 100% exploration of Act 4
Anybody else hear that last sentence in Nintendo's Mario voice?
Get master mode completion and try to 100% at least the first two chapters. If you can 100% the whole thing finish avt 4 and get those rewards.
just remember to save 1000 unit for good offers and dont buy any crystal
Therefor, that should be the first thing.
After that, getting the actual masteries unlocked would be the next step.
5.2 for Uncollected is the third step.
Just my opinion but I would go the other way around. Spend units unlocking masteries, while working on Act 4 at the normal energy pace. A good mastery setup provides benefits all around, up to and including running the content while spending less on potions. Getting to Uncollected is definitely worth it, but I don't think it makes sense to speed towards the Collector while being unprepared to face him. He's kind of low to be jumping into the Collector right now, and as a grinder there are still interesting and useful champs coming up that would make the Collector easier. Besides Iceman now, there's Star Lord and Stark Spiderman coming up. Plenty of time to finish Act 4 in the meantime. By the time you get there you want to have the strongest roster possible with as much stuff ranked up as possible, and a strong mastery setup.
In general, I try to spend units in ways that will ultimately save units or pay off in the long run. I only buy energy refills when I really want to speed through something specific: I don't spend them just to accelerate my normal pace through the game.