It should be CGR for me. It's like, whatever I do with him, whatever be the rotation, I still win. There's probably a lot to discover about him for me, personally.
Cap IW, Blade, Gwenpool, Domino, Sunspot, X23, Stark Spidey, Venom. If I had to pick one, it would probably be X23 because the others are stronger champs so I might be biased.
But, I wish I can activate his danger sense for every matchups by some mechanic.
iHulk... ...SMASH!
If I had to pick one, it would probably be X23 because the others are stronger champs so I might be biased.
Sadly, IHulk can't do it. Better luck next time big boi
Doesn’t mean they’re always useful, but I laugh when iHulk goes off on his SP2
I only have a 4* so I've not used her a lot, but she is very fun to use and I like her animations [and yellow jacket]