Be Thronebreaker or not to be... dilenma with my first R3

m4ciekkm4ciekk Member Posts: 96
Hey guys,

I finally formed my first T5 class catalysts and it's a skill one. Who would you R3?

Spider-Man Stealth:
- Enervate / Slow / Vulnerability
- no need to be awakened
- helpful (?) in V5 - the one I need to explore (besides V1)
- helpful in Cav EQ skill chapter

Nick Fury
- no deep wounds
- I got Captain Marvel Movie as a 5* (R1, non-awakened)
- I got Heimdall (5* R2) and Angela (5* R4) for fury synergy
- 10%/20% bonus for attack rating for Heroes
- need to be awakaned to unlock his true potential
- helpful in Cav EQ skill chapter

Elsa Bloodstone
- I have her as a 5* R4 sig40
- I don't use her since I got Mole Man 5* R5 (evade/Void counter)

Casual FTP player here. No alliance

Be Thronebreaker or not to be... dilenma with my first R3 46 votes

Spider-Man Stealth
Jcray705TerraJBC89Hammerbro_64Stellarshadow_lurker22RockypantherxSidDDragonKill_GreyEtjamaJuliusCaesarEdeuinkReignkingTWChikelAmnetiesFerahgoScrubhanjscott96tofuシTheBoogyMan 20 votes
Nick Fury
yossthanks4playingyuwAckbar67AdvRockyshockyIk08Amazing_Demon05FiiNCHRenaxqqParam1988Sparx265Zan0BollandDawsManEtherealityShenkErik_BloodaxeToastyDraconic_12 22 votes
Elsa Bloodstone
MaxLeeSearmenisHSS75AJ007 4 votes


  • HSS75HSS75 Member Posts: 1,161 ★★★
    Elsa Bloodstone
    Elsa is just so underrated those days, she can do a good amount of damage, she can evade and place a debuff when she should parry when her evade counter is up. She has cold snap and can get rid of non damaging debuffs even though she's slower than moleman. But so far spider man stealth is the safest option since nick fury needs to be awaken to be even better. So yeah i wanted to express my opinion about elsa tho.
  • Sparx265Sparx265 Member Posts: 272
    Nick Fury

    As much as I personally love Elsa, it's no contest if NF and Stealthy are in the equation.

    Look, because they are both unawakened, I'd say Stealthy has the edge over NF. The problem is that R3'ing a champ os an investment for the future, and considering that eventually someday down the line you'll dupe/get a AG for NF, then that is why I vote NF. Some would argue that he is far more useful than Stealthy even unawakened... I wouldn't go that far but I'd say they are damn close. Awakened though? blows all other skill champs out of the water. Eventually you will awaken him so go for NF.

    I agree with you here. While stealthy may be better in the short term, eventually you will get that nick awakened and he will be incredible. Plus he is still pretty good unawakened
  • DawsManDawsMan Member Posts: 2,169 ★★★★★
    Nick Fury
    If you really like Elsa, sure you can go with her. Stealthy would be a safe choice if you think you'll use him. If I were you I would r3 nick and bank on there being an ag on july fourth. Even if there isn't you can get one other places. He's just so good.
  • Ackbar67Ackbar67 Member Posts: 467 ★★★★
    Nick Fury
    Another thing to consider is that ronin is getting buffed next month, he may potentially be a good option if you wait a bit longer
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    Spider-Man Stealth
    I definitely wouldn't rank up an unawakened Nick Fury over your other options considering you don't even have deep wounds. Personally, I feel that "investment for the future" people constantly talk about with regards to getting an AG is bs.
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  • SidDDragonSidDDragon Member Posts: 1,183 ★★★
    Spider-Man Stealth
    From the 3 i would take up stealthy…i wouldnt r3 unduped fury cuz god knows when u will be able to dupe him and chances are that u would have formed another skill t5 by the time u do dupe him
    But unless u are planning to spend on july 4 deals,i would recommend waiting for ronin buff and see if he becomes a better investment
  • m4ciekkm4ciekk Member Posts: 96
    I'm waiting for another Nick Fury pull for over half a year with no success. I have 31 6* champions and none of them is naturally awakenend so I doubt my first dupe will be NF. Besides that he's fine as R2 in Cav EQ. I don't remember if ever used him in completing Act 7.1-7.2. or exploring Variant 7 If so then it was because of with his synergy with Quake and bonus attack for other hero champions.

    Stealth Spider Man wasn't and is not my favourite skill champion for sure. Firstly I didn't even like him and he sat on the bench next to the others. But lately when I read that you need use your SP1 after two MLLLL combos to get precision buff he's pretty alright.

    I loved Elsa from the beginning but I have her as a 5* R5 (sig 40) as well. No NF and SS as a 5*. Besides that I stopped using her when I got Mole Man.

    There are champions you just don't like no matter how good they are. One of them is Ronin for me. I heard about his buff but I just live him as R1 anyway.

    I have 14 T5BC so 6 of them are gonna expire if I don't use them to rank up some champions. The first one is gonna expire for 3 days.Anyways I sit on 8500 6* shards, so I'm gonna wait till Wednesday and new rift to get missing shards. and form a crystal. If I won't pull NF or Mole Man then propably Spider will be my first R3.

    Thanks for the input you gave me. Cheers!
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