Rude behaviour in chats

Is there anything I can do to report people who are rude in the incursion chat or anywhere? The user wasn't particularly degoratory but very rude just because I wanted to continue for the second round of incursion after loosing one champ, he/she had a chance to opt out after the first round but didn't. I lost another champ in the second round and he called me an 'idiot' and asked me not play rounds that aren't meant for me. Personally I have been left waiting in the incursion with my best champs after completing just 1 round, I loose them to the cool down just cuz some players don't have time or just don't wanna continue, does this give me too the right to use such language then?!
But you can’t really report them for “being rude” and telling you to drop down a difficulty
Usually I carry them till zone 8, where they eventually dies.
I only play with random when I urgently need few 6* shards from first 2-3 rooms.
Luckily I have gotten decent people 80% of the time. My expectation is 5 zones max... That's it. Rest is just bonus.
When my permanent partner and I can't fix a time for the run, I jump in with randoms. No biggie.
Dont play Sec7 or below with randoms, its a travesty..
Make a incursion buddy or ask alliance group, Alliance mates may not reply instantly... But you can mutually decide a time for the run as it's much safer..
Have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise?