Support of Native Androind Apps in Windows 11

So after the announcement of the windows 11 yesterday, and that it'll support Android apps natively, are we gonna be able to play MCOC using native windows 11?
If any mod from Kabam can confirm with the team, that would be great.
If any mod from Kabam can confirm with the team, that would be great.
It is not enough for Windows to support Android apps. Kabam must support Windows 11 running the game. And that support is implied for every Android device that Google Play supports and every iOS device that Apple supports provided you use the officially sanctioned method of installing the game.
This is not an official statement from Kabam, this is a rule of thumb that was discussed long ago when the topic of Chromebooks running Android apps came around years ago. Any official statement from Kabam would override this rule of thumb. I am not an official spokesperson for Kabam.