Would you rather:

Would you rather we follow the trend of 10k shards for a 7* crystal or would you like to be able to ascend 6*'s? I know this is sort of irrelevant cuz hopefully we don't see 7*'s or the sort until 2025, but I am bored. We had R3 six stars for 1.5 years, maybe more. If the trend continues 6* R5 mats won't be available until around 2024. From there we have to think about relics which will hopefully prolong the life of 6*'s and basically be mastery like nodes that make our champions better.
Anyways, my thought is (and I'm sure someone has had this thought before me) what about we get some 7* souls or 7* scrolls, wisdom, something 7* related and once we get a certain amount, we are able to convert 6*'s to 7*'s in a 'rank matching' fashion. For instance you ascend your 6* R5 to a 7* R2. 6* R4 to 7* R1. And your 6* has to be a certain rank to ascend it to ensure balance.
The reason I bring this up is because I believe it could eliminate a lot of stress that players will feel/have felt (when 6*'s were released) and not having to restart. For people who have grinded out high rank champions, they don't have to restart and continue to get value from those six stars they spent thousands of dollars pulling, upgrading, awakening, and sigging up.
Another thing this would do is make it so that newer players can't just pull a 7* and wreck content, or complain about 6.1 saying that their 7* R1 Human Torch with his 60k hp and 4000 attack just doesn't cut it for that impossible Loki boss. They'll have to progress through 6*'s first. And when the game comes to the point (if it ever does) where Kabam wants players to be able to get 7*'s through crystals they can add that.
Vote, lemme know what you think.
Anyways, my thought is (and I'm sure someone has had this thought before me) what about we get some 7* souls or 7* scrolls, wisdom, something 7* related and once we get a certain amount, we are able to convert 6*'s to 7*'s in a 'rank matching' fashion. For instance you ascend your 6* R5 to a 7* R2. 6* R4 to 7* R1. And your 6* has to be a certain rank to ascend it to ensure balance.
The reason I bring this up is because I believe it could eliminate a lot of stress that players will feel/have felt (when 6*'s were released) and not having to restart. For people who have grinded out high rank champions, they don't have to restart and continue to get value from those six stars they spent thousands of dollars pulling, upgrading, awakening, and sigging up.
Another thing this would do is make it so that newer players can't just pull a 7* and wreck content, or complain about 6.1 saying that their 7* R1 Human Torch with his 60k hp and 4000 attack just doesn't cut it for that impossible Loki boss. They'll have to progress through 6*'s first. And when the game comes to the point (if it ever does) where Kabam wants players to be able to get 7*'s through crystals they can add that.
Vote, lemme know what you think.
Would you rather: 35 votes
It probably won’t be a thing for a good while unless Kabam makes plenty of hard content that sorta calls for those cutting edge health pools and attack ratings.