Question about Buffed Diablo constant regen from Poison debuff

I know this may be a bit controversial considering Diablo just got buffed, but how is it acceptable for Diablo to have this constant and consistent regen from the Poison debuff acceptable but DDHK and Kingpin need to have a reduced regen rate?
Even Immortal Abomination ends up getting less regen once you start stacking the poisons from his abilities which is completely fine and makes sense given the inherent regen reduction from Poison.
the reason that i believe was given for the regen reduction on DDHK was that he could consistently get a blank debuff from his abilities, but that debuff is on a timer and you need to keep eating up your combo to be able to cycle it.
depending on what you need from DDHK, you may not want to consume your combo.
so the claim that DDHK can infinitely regen just negated by the fact that you could(while running suicides) use a small revive on Diablo, dance around landing intercepts and just regen to 100%.
how is that not worth a regen reduction on Diablo?
so IMO either Diablo needs to get regen reduction or DDHK/Kingpin needs to have their regen reduction removed so that the game is fair and balanced.
hopefully before folks start taking Diablo to r3, which i have already seen a few.
Even Immortal Abomination ends up getting less regen once you start stacking the poisons from his abilities which is completely fine and makes sense given the inherent regen reduction from Poison.
the reason that i believe was given for the regen reduction on DDHK was that he could consistently get a blank debuff from his abilities, but that debuff is on a timer and you need to keep eating up your combo to be able to cycle it.
depending on what you need from DDHK, you may not want to consume your combo.
so the claim that DDHK can infinitely regen just negated by the fact that you could(while running suicides) use a small revive on Diablo, dance around landing intercepts and just regen to 100%.
how is that not worth a regen reduction on Diablo?
so IMO either Diablo needs to get regen reduction or DDHK/Kingpin needs to have their regen reduction removed so that the game is fair and balanced.
hopefully before folks start taking Diablo to r3, which i have already seen a few.
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but Diablo doesnt apply poisons to himself, so if you only have the poison from suicides, its a straight regen for the whole fight.
which is fine, but how is it OK for Diablo to have such a strong regen for the entire fight and DDHK just kills himself while running suicides?
so while Diablo is a special reliant champ, he is easily getting that health back from the constant Poison debuff regen with Will Power.
From 6 years ago.
All versions of DDHK can stack Rage debuffs.
Only versions of Diablo with the Liquid Courage Mastery can stack Poison debuffs.
A better comparison to Diablo would be with Omega Red, who takes 90% less damage from Double Edge, getting a consistent Willpower healing from it (whilst simultaneously melting his opponent). That's never seemed to bother anyone...
the Rage debuff that matters is from his awakened ability that reads:
Murdock Boy - Exiting this mode has 100% chance to grant a stacking 6 to 17 second Rage debuff with no effect.
entering Murdock Boy involves consuming the combo below 15, but those Rage debuffs only matter when you have them stacked and your above 15 combo in Sticks Apprentice because each debuff gives you increased attack.
the bleeds dont last the entire fight on Omega.
by the looks of if, Diablo will get a lot of play going forward so i can also see why someone would disagree with what i'm saying here cause it sounds like i'm asking for a "nerf" to his regen.
all i want is for DDHK to not have the reduced regen or have things be consistent across the board.
or we have champs that that work great with suicides because they can shrug off the debuffs such as Aegon, Ghost, BW Claire Voyant, Ronin and all the robots to name a few.
then you have champs that can use suicides and you accept that you will lose health at the beginning of the fight or throughout the fight assuming you use specials and take the recoil damage such as Void, Falcon, Thing and any mutant non-immune champ.
then there is DDHK that simply slowly kills himself from the poison debuff cause WP cant negate the damage like it does for every other champ in this game.
Kingpin can at least shrug off the debuffs so while you dont have to use specials, you wont just die for being in the fight like DDHK will from the poison.
in the essence of consistency, i'm hopeful Kabam will remove that separate regen reduction from DDHK/KP abilities, considering that the reason for them in the first place was the potential for infinite regen while having the Rage debuff that did zero damage
Diablo now has this eternal poison debuff(suicides) that he takes no damage from and only benefits with regen for the entire fight.
Like since hes got reduced regen rate from poison kabam dont need to reduce his base regen rate since hes already losing 30% if adding more he just wouldnt be healing any damage from blocked hits since regen be too low, unlike kp and ddhk they have rage debuffs that constantly heal but when put together of there regen rate and diablos its pretty close considering so no diablo doesnt need even more reduced regen rate than whats already been done from poison.