Does anyone know how it works? Can you beat all three objectives (plus the fight itself) for four points directly this week, or can you only complete one objective per week?
It has to be done this week only, look at the timer. Its 7 days. The objectives will be new for next week
Alright, I thought you maybe had to choose which objective you went for this week out of the three.
Does anyone know how it works? Can you beat all three objectives (plus the fight itself) for four points directly this week, or can you only complete one objective per week?
There is total of 27 max points, 6 fights remaining. So 4 points per week would get you to 27, so these are weekly.
how do you get these quests to show up? is this a thronebreaker required quest?
The Summer of Pain solo objectives require Thronebreaker and will only show up if you are TB. The Summer of Pain fight itself is open to Cavalier and higher.