Which 4* to rank 5?

winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,294 ★★★★★
edited October 2017 in Strategy and Tips
Quite excited to obtained 3 T4CC on 100% Act 4 in 2-3 weeks time. If RNG is one science, one mutant, one cosmic, then I have to wait some more. :/


All champs awakened.
Can only do 1 rank up.

Which 4* to rank 5? 49 votes

Science - Yellow Jacket
Skill - Elektra
Mutant - Wolverine
JOHNOSA1995Alfa_PigeonSpity68MrLalowVartoxMixkebabRotellyAnonymous346MasterYoda493leira619DoctorJKorporate_KurtCarme1974Prof_Arthur101AgentEdwardDingaloveryhard81 17 votes
Tech - Star-Lord / Ultron
MattyloSashaFierceXXillymanVision_41Superman69SpeedbumpSakkbanMasterTroller42NandorDitt7ljainzerogodsAshburnSuskanutVinh225HzoriTempestXcrøss_TRDarkmaliceWabziPizzabeat 22 votes
Comic - Hyperion
_LivingDeadGirlunknownJwallace25SuperSam57D_Ace_71vinniegainzMervalBigbadredRonibillLeanonymous214 10 votes
Mystic - Juggernaut


  • DoctorJDoctorJ Member Posts: 842 ★★★
    Mutant - Wolverine
    Wolverine if you get a choice of any.

    If you get tech, go SL. Youll regret Ultron. If you get cosmic, hype is amazing. Elektra would be a deadly r5. Yj and juggs are not worth r5 imo any more.
  • ForumGuyForumGuy Member Posts: 285 ★★
    Either starlord or hyperion. You can't go wrong with whichever one of the two you chose. They both help in the end game stuff.
  • _LivingDeadGirl_LivingDeadGirl Member Posts: 160
    Comic - Hyperion
    I wouldn't rank any of those to r5 unless they were awakened except possibly hyperion and YJ. Or Ultron since his sig isn't really that important.

    If they are all awakened.. SL, Hyp, Elektra, wolvie and yj in they order. Juggs isn't on their level in terms of offensive usefulness.
  • SuskanutSuskanut Member Posts: 113
    Tech - Star-Lord / Ultron
    Star Lord has the most utility in the game
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,294 ★★★★★
    Alas, it won't be 2-3 weeks to finish Act 4. Anyway, I complete one path on Goldblum quest and received many T4CC catalyst shards. Reached 3 Tech T4CC four days ago.


    Looks like it will be Elektra to rank 5?

  • SuperSam57SuperSam57 Member Posts: 325
    Comic - Hyperion
    I say Hyperion because he will help you through 5.1, but a little longer term for 5.2.1 and .2. The nodes receive damage from specials only, also from bleed as well. I am currently using a 4/40 duped Rocket, his sp2 is causing 50K+ damage and one shooting the opponents.
  • SakkbanSakkban Member Posts: 97
    Tech - Star-Lord / Ultron
    Forget about Juggs, Elektra or YJ, it will be a waste of T4CC and they will not help you that much as R5 with the end game content.
    For me anyone of SL, Ultron, Wolverine or Hype will be worthy R5. It all depends on your personal preference and where you are at the game.
    I have a 5* R3 Ultron which I use for everything. However, he really shines in AQ. Same applies for Wolverine, he is a AQ God, but can be used for other content as well.
    Hyperion has insane damage which you can do really fast, but you need to keep in mind that he relies on heavy attacks to build those fury charges. Also, he is a bit fragile so you need to have the skills to keep him alive for longer periods of time.
    I don't have SL, but we all know what he is good at. For the Goldblum challenge he will be amazing cause he does not cause DOT, also in Act 5 he should be great.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,294 ★★★★★
    RNG gave 2 Mutant and 1 Skill. I awakened Mordo with 4* Crystal.


    Looks like it has to be StarLord, Wolverine, Elektra?
    Waits for class advancement.
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    How good are you at maintaining a hit streak? If you can't rattle off big hit streaks, SL is worthless.

    With most of the day-to-day fights ending in under 30 hits, champs like Wolvie and Electra may be more beneficial
  • Vision_41Vision_41 Member Posts: 721
    Tech - Star-Lord / Ultron
    Ultron self repair is good plus auto evade.
  • Superman69Superman69 Member Posts: 534 ★★★
    Tech - Star-Lord / Ultron
    Vision_41 wrote: »
    Ultron self repair is good plus auto evade.

    SL over Ultron ANY DAY.
    Ultron is only better for AQ poison paths. Maybe Act 4 too. Too low damage for Act 5.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,294 ★★★★★
    Dexman1349 wrote: »
    How good are you at maintaining a hit streak? If you can't rattle off big hit streaks, SL is worthless.

    With most of the day-to-day fights ending in under 30 hits, champs like Wolvie and Electra may be more beneficial

    Not very well yet. While doing Act 4, I can achieve about +/- 70 hits to zero. A few times against high armor champs, +100 hits to zero.
    Consistency is still a little problem.

    Would this be sufficient?
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