[MERGED] Parry Issue Fix



  • JimmyBJimmyB Member Posts: 212 ★★

    Still nothing new, it's just funny to see your incapacity of providing a solution at this bug.
    In novembre you promised us a solution for early 2022, more than 5 months later we are still waiting. you don't thing you have played enough with our feet?

    They don't have a clue how to correct the problem they've created! All they're hoping for, is that we will accept this and continue playing.
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  • Gabriel_SGabriel_S Member Posts: 1
    June 26th 2022

    The parry issue is STILL there. The funny thing is I was even using white magneto’s pre fight ability. ‘Parry’ shows up (green text) on the screen but I still got clipped. Multiple times. Nice one, Kabam.
  • Lestat2499Lestat2499 Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    It’s so hit and miss. Some fights parry is ok. Other fights it’s terrible. But one thing that I find is consistent. If a parry fails. The rest of the fight parry will fail. It’s like they are unblockable. It’s so frustrating when it’s a main mechanic of the game. And it NEVER fails for the AI. Even though in some game modes they shouldn’t even have parry.
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