I can't access the beta... again...

Last year, when we had the 7.2 beta, I was invited to participate, but I was never able to get into the beta server. Every time I tried, it would load for like 2 seconds, and say I had connection issues (mind you I was at full bars of WiFi sitting literally right next to my router which I think gives 5G or smth). After that routinely occurred, I would have to press reconnect twice due to yet another "connection issue" and then it would send me into this bugged version of the main server where I couldn't really do anything and would have to close and reopen the game. This time, it's slightly better because it actually sends me to the main server properly, but like...
A couple things worth noting, last time I was invited to the beta, I had not yet completed act 6. So with that in mind, it was fair that it didn't work properly. However, this time, I am actually on 7.3, so I'm a lot more bummed out. I don't know how you would fix this, but I'm certain I'm not the only one with this issue and it's kinda sad.

A couple things worth noting, last time I was invited to the beta, I had not yet completed act 6. So with that in mind, it was fair that it didn't work properly. However, this time, I am actually on 7.3, so I'm a lot more bummed out. I don't know how you would fix this, but I'm certain I'm not the only one with this issue and it's kinda sad.
If you're on desktop, click on Categories.
I'm also logged in with the Kabam account that I'm using currently for the Forums.
EDIT: I can access the Beta now. Would still love access to the Forum though.