What’s that champion that your always annoyed to fight against?

I feel like Apocalypse maybe a popular one and he is quite annoying if I say so myself, however everytime I come close to a Yondu, it’s a wrap for me. Those bleeds he inflicts on blocks are a nightmare. What about you guys?
And I have to agree with Agent_X, Mysterio and his heavies... sheesh...
So in my case, Korg, Rhino, Electro, Hyperion, and Mysterio.
Mysterio - I suck at waiting
Hyperion - Throw the damned special, rrrarg
Electro - Whoops, didn't bring Quake
Rhino - My hands r dum
Korg - Korg
This is assuming I don't have the perfect counter, because that's a less fun topic.
For noded fights, well that's just too much for my last brain to put together right now.
I'll add wasp. Not particularly difficult to fight but in the land of failed dex, missed parry and hits through block... it is lights out real quick like.
Thank God for BD Apocalypse
Another annoying one is spider ham
The power sting is vexing
Domino. Everything fails, nothing can be relied upon and you just take damage. It’s despicable design
The other champ is green goblin. He slows your power gain, regenerates, both of which only serve to make the fight painfully long, plus SP2 has been known to wipe my entire team on Power Start 2 in AQ. I hate him. With a passion.
It’s like the SoP fights, they could literally quadruple the stats for the defender and they would be easy enough to beat, if it wasn’t for the pesky nodes! Lol
Having said that Electro is a pain with his static shock damage, I’ve never really looked into the best counter as he doesn’t appear in the game as much as many other champs.