Why is CapIW not metal and Vision is?
So captain infinity war does not get magnetized by magneto. The logic is that vibranium is a special metal and his shields are vibranium.
Idk about the comics, but in the movies at least, Vision AOU was pure vibranium. So why does vision AOU get magnetized?
Idk about the comics, but in the movies at least, Vision AOU was pure vibranium. So why does vision AOU get magnetized?
Tags are approved with Marvel. So if they say Vision is metal, he's metal.
Magneto is already powerful enough. Do you really want to see him nerfed like Scarlet and Strange???
If Vision has a vibranium exoskeleton, Magneto could not magnetize that. Correct.
But that would not protect any of the metal parts inside that are not vibranium. The wires. Any welding. Any metal on circuitry boards. Screws. Nuts. Bolts.
All it would take is for 1 metal component not to be made of vibranium. That is all Magneto needs to destroy Vision's body internally.
The simplest answer? Vision has had numerous bodies. Maybe the MCOC version isn't vibranium. 🤷