Next R2 6* advice

jayb8008jayb8008 Member Posts: 93
edited July 2021 in Strategy and Tips
I'd like to some input on my next r2 6*. I don't factor synergies much into my rank up decisions, but they are a nice icing on the cake in this case.

For SG, I have a r2 6* Venom that I love and use all the time.

For the mutants, I have both Prof X and Apoc as r2 6*s which synergize very well with mutant teams.

What's everyone's thoughts? Or should I wait for a better option?

Next R2 6* advice 22 votes

Awakened Spidergwen
UnsilentKerneasScrubhanNegative_100 4 votes
Awakened Havok
TristanAlex13369pseudosaneJuggerNotKill_GreyThoye3RenaxqqMasterMikeScarcity27Draconic_12LoneWonderer 11 votes
Unawakened Colossus
Bpn88855MiStaLovaMaratoxRebornMVPNalak8SnuggzyXandude32 7 votes
Post edited by Kabam Habanero on


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