Favorite Horseman?

ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,066 ★★★★★
I recently pulled Apocalypse, who I've been hunting ever since he was released. With him ranked up, the question becomes...who do I make a horseman? I've had a lot of fun with Archangel in AQ but I haven't had time to explore too many champs yet, so I thought I'd put the question to the community.

I have all champions except Sunspot and Professor X at either 5r5 or 6r2, but I figured that those two could be valid alternatives as well and included them in the poll.

Favorite Horseman? 141 votes

World EaterErza_ScarletRaganatorCrkwestIl_CuocoTristanF4k3_GaM3rAlex13369DeliSceptilemaniacUnsilentJumpthesharklIPowerIlredsoxpatsfan89mikeimp123RookiieSnakepRockypantherx_Sham_JimmyB 55 votes
Harding7KerneasDenzel116Cosmicspiderman777OminiManMarshMarlo 6 votes
Magneto Red
ILLUSION87714dtl 2 votes
Magneto White
TatteredSail 1 vote
Stark154667Nikunj_95 2 votes
TheManMythLegendLogan00TheMailmann 3 votes
Darkraider234FabsterusaTrojans 3 votes
Professor X
Mets17SchnoodleDuffman98 3 votes
Other (Please specify in the comments)
BitterSteelMr_PlatypusSIlverProfessorKDoggg2017MSRDLDfmussapSungjDarkrider05KennadoThunderstruck77DogfoodLidThefire13TheHeroDeservedColinJensen21AssumedNameMalreck04wvonkPulliSavageBreaker69Colinwhitworth69 66 votes


  • BlôdletterBlôdletter Member Posts: 444 ★★★
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  • Stebo_79Stebo_79 Member Posts: 641 ★★★
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    Horseman Gamit is God mode on.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,066 ★★★★★

    I’m fully aware she’s not the best, but I have a lot of fun with horse(wo)man Psylocke. She has amazing crit rate - near guaranteed crits as fights go on, amazing power control (any time the opponent doesn’t gain power from other sources), really nice damage for a champ people don’t talk about much. I don’t know, she’s just a lot of fun backdraft intercepting everyone.

    I’ve used her to solo the Nick fury boss in act 6 the fastest I’ve seen on YouTube. I did it in 3 mins, Omega was 5 mins, I saw Aegon get the first life down in 2 and a half mins but no solo, sunspot, domino was 7 mins, colossus was 4 mins and sunspot was 9 mins. She makes any Nick fury fight so simple, he doesn’t gain charges from specials, and less likely to gain charges from hits. (In the entire fight I did, he gained at most 14 charges and that was 162 hits)

    She’s also a natural terrax counter. At the start of the fight he drains himself to 0 power, and you have a psi charge, so he’s power locked immediately. If you get hit, just bait a special and he drains himself again. I’ve taken stun reflect terrax with her in war before, it was awesome!

    Like I said, I’m under no impression she’s the best. But I have her R3 and she’s a ton of fun, nice damage and nice utility

    I have Psylocke as a 6*. Might try her out. I loved her back in the 4* days as she helped me clear so much content, and I was kind of happy to pull her as a 5* earlier. Never ranker her up, but was then happy to pull her as a 6*. I've still never ranked her up but I am really fond of power control champions even if they are lacking in other areas. I just kind of feel that, if the opponent can never gain any power, you don't really need to hit the hardest. You've got the fight under control anyway and will most likely knock them out eventually.

    I was hoping that her synergy with Bishop would be updated more than it was when he got buffed, but I still have a soft spot for her. I don't know if I'd use any resources on her but might rank her up if I ever get a mutant 1-2 gem or something.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,066 ★★★★★
    Thanks for the replies, everyone. Gambit seems to be a really popular Horseman. I understand why. Might have to rank him up. I never touched him when I didn't have Apocalypse but it might be time to reconsider that.
  • Malreck04Malreck04 Member Posts: 3,335 ★★★★★
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    Gambit. Broken ability.
  • Negative_100Negative_100 Member Posts: 1,650 ★★★★
    Don't really use horsemen unless my omega is great for the boss.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
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    Ercarret said:

    I’m fully aware she’s not the best, but I have a lot of fun with horse(wo)man Psylocke. She has amazing crit rate - near guaranteed crits as fights go on, amazing power control (any time the opponent doesn’t gain power from other sources), really nice damage for a champ people don’t talk about much. I don’t know, she’s just a lot of fun backdraft intercepting everyone.

    I’ve used her to solo the Nick fury boss in act 6 the fastest I’ve seen on YouTube. I did it in 3 mins, Omega was 5 mins, I saw Aegon get the first life down in 2 and a half mins but no solo, sunspot, domino was 7 mins, colossus was 4 mins and sunspot was 9 mins. She makes any Nick fury fight so simple, he doesn’t gain charges from specials, and less likely to gain charges from hits. (In the entire fight I did, he gained at most 14 charges and that was 162 hits)

    She’s also a natural terrax counter. At the start of the fight he drains himself to 0 power, and you have a psi charge, so he’s power locked immediately. If you get hit, just bait a special and he drains himself again. I’ve taken stun reflect terrax with her in war before, it was awesome!

    Like I said, I’m under no impression she’s the best. But I have her R3 and she’s a ton of fun, nice damage and nice utility

    I have Psylocke as a 6*. Might try her out. I loved her back in the 4* days as she helped me clear so much content, and I was kind of happy to pull her as a 5* earlier. Never ranker her up, but was then happy to pull her as a 6*. I've still never ranked her up but I am really fond of power control champions even if they are lacking in other areas. I just kind of feel that, if the opponent can never gain any power, you don't really need to hit the hardest. You've got the fight under control anyway and will most likely knock them out eventually.

    I was hoping that her synergy with Bishop would be updated more than it was when he got buffed, but I still have a soft spot for her. I don't know if I'd use any resources on her but might rank her up if I ever get a mutant 1-2 gem or something.
    Yeah in the sorts of fights where a special attack is what is challenging, Psylocke absolutely controls it. She’s got quite a few uses, but not the first choice a lot of the time. She’s one of those rank ups that you’ll do if you enjoy her, but not out of necessity if you get me.

    Try her out! You might find she’s a ton of fun, like I did
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  • DontsellthemDontsellthem Member Posts: 808 ★★★
    I’m telling you right now, just add him to your favorite team of 4 champs and you’ll be golden.

    Apoc is super mega amazing all on his OWN!

    Also, I don’t use any horseman thing so can’t help 😔
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  • DawsManDawsMan Member Posts: 2,169 ★★★★★
    Most of the good mutants don't need it, the bad ones don't benefit a ton from it, the ones that have outlined horsemen abilities are my fave. AA becomes so good just because of that increased ability accuracy.
  • Leonjr8719Leonjr8719 Member Posts: 146
    Gmonkey said:

    Fabwizi said:

    Arn Anderson or Ric Flair one of those 2.

    It’s Steve McmMichael hands down. It’s Mongo!
  • KarmaConnectKarmaConnect Member Posts: 48
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    I chose other cause Apoc is better with all his charges and sharing them is a waste.
  • DogfoodLidDogfoodLid Member Posts: 131
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  • ShiroMikazukiShiroMikazuki Member Posts: 568 ★★★
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  • Drew3808Drew3808 Member Posts: 50
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    I like gambit
  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,146 ★★★★★
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    Kuga_ZA said:

    OG Wolverine hands down.

    This. His bleeds and regen are too damn fun to play around with. Awesome champ.
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  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
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    You’d have thought Bishop would be so good he doesn’t even need the horseman ability
  • MiStaLovaMiStaLova Member Posts: 942 ★★★
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    Wolverine 5* duped max sig plus pof x synergy
  • phil56201phil56201 Member Posts: 987 ★★★
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    Gambit. His horseman ability is a rather unique and useful utility. All the other popular options are godly on their own and don't need it nearly as much.
  • Intensity108Intensity108 Member Posts: 327 ★★
    but.. how could you forget about cable!
  • PickledChungusPickledChungus Member Posts: 12
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  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,908 ★★★★★
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    I love how you’re missing a bunch of the best ones. Gambit is by far my favorite.
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