You will eventually pull a bgt champion and with all the practice and skill your improving upon now, you are basically future proof.. someone post an answer..
do you prefer to be a elite player/summoner who is great with mediocre 6* roster or mediocre player/summoner with elite 6* roster.. (something like so)
(sad noises..) m neither.. guess I have a good 6* roster, I rate 7.5/10
You will eventually pull a bgt champion and with all the practice and skill your improving upon now, you are basically future proof.. someone post an answer..
do you prefer to be a elite player/summoner who is great with mediocre 6* roster or mediocre player/summoner with elite 6* roster.. (something like so)
(sad noises..) m neither.. guess I have a good 6* roster, I rate 7.5/10
mediocre player/summoner with elite 6* roster.. This doesn't sound so bad
do you prefer to be a elite player/summoner who is great with mediocre 6* roster or mediocre player/summoner with elite 6* roster.. (something like so)
(sad noises..) m neither.. guess I have a good 6* roster, I rate 7.5/10
This doesn't sound so bad