Summoner canteen is so absurd

Hello bros I’m a uc player rn and I’m facing a problem with the canteen. I’m up to a point in the rewards that I must be cavalier to purchase the 6 star signature stones. I’m just having this idea of whether I can bypass this by buying a previous item in the canteen, therefor fulfilling the “must spend 9 tokens to purchase”. Ofc sacrificing some bottom rewards.
If you save the token and reach the next progression, you can buy higher tier items.
After Cavalier, it just becomes a process of ranking up whoever will be most useful to your progression, whether that comes with a red border or a blue one.
It feels like you're missing out on some of the best parts of the game. What I've liked about ranking up 5*s is that I (almost) constantly have whatever utility I'm after. I have 25 r5s at the moment and can counter pretty much everything that's in the game. How do you manage that with only half the champs?
* Quake (general goddess)
* Beardo (swiss army knife)
* Void (regen/power gain counter)
* She-Hulk (poison immune, slow)
* iBom (poison immune and poison/acid dealer)
* Aegon (ramp-up champ)
* Kingpin (shrug-off champ)
* Falcon (defensive ability reduction god)
* Nick Fury (bleed damage king)
* Namor (immune to everything as long as you're hitting the opponent)
* Archangel (bleed/poison damage and ability accuracy reduction)
* Colossus (armor ups, survivability and immunities)
* Red Magneto (#Metal destroyer)
* Havok (incinerate immune, energy damage cheese god).
* Aarkus (shuts down robots/tech champs)
* Angela (no DOT!)
* Corvus (undying god)
* Hyperion (poison immune, incinerate damage, fury, stuns, armor break, healing etc)
* CGR (armor breaks, heal block, power lock, incinerate damage, incinerate/bleed immune, etc).
* Ghost (cheese goddess)
* Hulkbuster (armor up, shock damage, healing, stuns for days and power locks/drains)
* Gully2099 (ramp-up champion with power drain, heal reversal, healing and standard robot immunities)
* Starky (strong evader and hard-hitter).
* Tigra (projectile evader, damage-queen)
* Claire (triple immunities, triple damage types, equally useful against robots as against cosmic champs).
So there's not necessarily a lot of overlap. There's just a lot of things to deal with in the game. You seem to have dealt with it fine as-is if you've completed Act 6 and 7.1/7.2 and all but Variant 1, but I personally enjoy having a large roster that can easily tackle a wide variety of things and scenarios. I noticed a huge difference in my enjoyment of Act 6 after I'd let my roster grow for a while and I could choose exactly which champs I wanted to bring in to counter stuff there and not just rely on the same jack-of-all-trades that I had initially.
That said, it's obviously possible that you have a ton of ranked-up 6* champions that pick up the slack. It seems like you do. If that's the case, my point is simply that the game seems to have come to a weird place where people can reliably focus on developing their 6*s before growing a sizeable 5* roster to earn those 6* champions in the first place.
That's obviously not on you - of course not - and I'm not saying you're doing something wrong. In fact, I probably did the same with my 4*s and basically plowed through Act 4 and 5 with only a few select 4*s before the game forced me to ditch them as I went into Act 6. That led me to only have maybe 6 fully ranked up 4*s for the longest time. It's just...strange design on Kabam's part. Making most of the game's older content almost immediately obsolete is just weird.
I used 4*s and like 1 or 2 5*s to get Cav.
Nick Fury
Human Torch (just shreds mystics)
Spidergwen (6* r2, enervate is nice to have available, plus fully evading specials)
Professor X (6* r3, evade counter, damage god, power control, synergies, thorn damage, etc.)
Storm X (6*r2, pretty recent rank up so I haven’t used her much, just has a lot of different utility in one package)
Red Mags
CMM (poison immune, invincibility for nuking opponent)
Vision Aarkus ( 6* r2, tons of power gain buffs and armor break debuffs)
Venom (tons of buffs, buff removal, regeneration, bleed damage)
Hulkbuster (6*r3)
Doom (power control, shock immunity, energy attacks)
Longshot (6*r3, incinerates, buff control, and I wanted thronebreaker otherwise he’d be at r2)
Dragon Man (6* r2, poison and bleed immunity, unblockable, incinerates, special 3 unstoppable cheese)
Mephisto (6* r2, this was mainly for variant content tbh)
For almost all the content that I’ve attempted this roster has gotten the job done. However, you might be right that I would have enjoyed it more if I’d had more diverse options to choose from. I mean, I did have to quake a ton of fights. But on the other hand, I kinda like the challenge of pushing through content even if I don’t have the ideal counter for a certain lane or fight. I think it just depends on what kind of experience you’re looking for.
The inevitable progression of mcoc can feel weird at times for sure. Just think that eventually people will be doing the bare minimum with their six star rosters before moving onto seven stars. It’s a crazy game
I've always been a slow player that tends to progress in quick spurts between one title and another before taking a rather long story break to focus on other stuff, so maybe it's not surprising that I develop my roster in a different way than you if you play it a different way.
Then again, I was as slow before and I still ended up with a really small 4* roster that has only really grown in size recently as I've ranked up some champs for arena grind, so I guess it might also just be the way Kabam themselves changes the content over time.
Regardless, congrats on a great roster! I wish you all the best in...well, whatever content comes next now that you've done most of it.
My only 3 glaring holes are Heimdall, IAbom, Magik.