Tired of always using the Domino Trinity

Call it clickbate, but I’d love to hear from the community who I should play and spend resources on. I always use my R3 Domino with her trinity, or Apoc with his trinity, but I feel like that’s just in line with summoners who always use quake or ghost (both of those champs I hate playing). I want to get good with other champs, and I have been fortunate to rank good champs of every class to R3, but i rarely use Fury or Brie Larson. Hence this post. I’ll let you guys decide and hope you will provide supporting evidence.
Thanks in advance,
S!ver Fox

Thanks in advance,
S!ver Fox

Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
You’re clearly a long time player so I don’t see why you need others to make a rank up decision for you.
My 6 star R3 are Fury, Brie Larson, Hulbuster, Domino, Doom, and Void.
I recently fell in love with Angela bc she MVP all of the cosmic quest in the monthly Cav EQ
I'd throw in Warlock/Sunspot/Doom/AA/Venom/Hype/Mags/Stark Spidy.
I'd rank up AA asap and Dragonman and White Mags next.
My 5 and 6 star Dooms get good work too.
Sunspot has been situational for me. 6 star is R2 unawakened, 5 star is at a decent sig at R4.
I just recently had the resources to take my Red Mags to R5 and he gets plenty of work in 7.2
I’m holding out for 6 star AA and Dragon Man, and I only have used White Mags for synergies
The synergy for CGR isn't as valuable since it only gives him a power drain/lock when the opponent reaches 3 bars of power, but Beardo hits harder into stunned opponents which slot nicely into his playstyle.
I know that @BitterSteel spoke highly of using Psylocke alongside Apocalypse. I only have her as an r1 6* but my initial testing seemed to confirm that.
I think that both Squirrel Girl and Old Man Logan are fun champs that I think about ranking up if I ever have an overabundance of resources, and I've heard great things about Immortal Hulk even if I haven't played around much with him myself.
Both Mojo and Tigra are really fun mystic champions that I use a lot. I like both of their playstyles since they differ quite a lot from the rest of the mystic champions that I often feel are too samey for my taste.
Diablo's ability to just not die with suicides is comical and cable just melts everything that is not a robot. And warlock is warlock!