If you enjoy VP, then he is very r3 worthy. Super good in Act 7 since the fights are all long enough to ramp him up, only really takes one sp3 to have him ramped up, then you just spam sp3 and they permanently have a deadly bleed on them. My r1 6* VP has his ramped up sp3 bleed do 2.8k per tick, and I can keep that up for a long time.
If the enemy is bleed immune, then sp3 for ramp up and sp2 after that, he crits a lot and he crits hard, especially with the stealth spidey synergy. Very fun to use. 10/10 will take mine to r3 over CMM once I have gold and iso 🤣
Venompool and Hood i wouldnt.
If the enemy is bleed immune, then sp3 for ramp up and sp2 after that, he crits a lot and he crits hard, especially with the stealth spidey synergy. Very fun to use. 10/10 will take mine to r3 over CMM once I have gold and iso 🤣