Next rank up advice…

TROUBL3DTROUBL3D Member Posts: 195
Who should I rank up next?

Existing 5* R5/6* R2 roster consists of;

6* R2
Marvel MCU

5* R5
Cap IW
Omega Red
Magneto Red

Next rank up advice… 22 votes

6* Sunspot to R2 (unduped)
JohnDoe89Schnoodle 2 votes
6* Ghost to R2 (unduped)
thanks4playingScrubhanOoooiiiiieeeeeeDraconic_12 4 votes
5* AA to R5 (lvl 80)
pseudosaneJuggerNotEtjamaRenaxqqjbxotiicgggg00Sergeant_AndyBeardo 8 votes
5* Apocalypse to R5 (lvl 40)
MachoNachoItsTheBroskiParam1988LBN1 4 votes
5* Void to R5 (max)
Wooptyfrickendoo 1 vote
5* She-Hulk to R5 (lvl 80)
5* Professor X to R5 (lvl 20)
5* Corvus to R5 (unduped)
Ewell65SSS69ChiliDogDarksniper240 3 votes


  • TROUBL3DTROUBL3D Member Posts: 195
  • ChiliDogChiliDog Member Posts: 911 ★★★
    5* Corvus to R5 (unduped)
    If you use suicide masteries do Corvus. If
    not, switch and do Corvus. Ghost, red m, ored, bwcv, collosus, corvus, etc. They'll tear through a ton, plus you have cgr or hype on a path where corvus might struggle.
  • WooptyfrickendooWooptyfrickendoo Member Posts: 184
    5* Void to R5 (max)
    I am a well known void and corvus simp. But seeing as your corvus isn't awakened and your void is max sig on this post I simp for void. First of all since he is already max sig you probably put sigs into him meaning you were gonna eventually rank 5 him. Now on to why I think you should.
    1. Utility
    Everyone knows void has potent petrify but that's not his only Utility. With fear of the void and 2 of his agility debuffs active void reduces evade aa by 90% which is not to shabby. He has incinerate immunity which is a nice immunity to have.
    2. Safety
    Void is really tanky he has one of the highest health pools in the game (my rank 5 has almost 40k health), and with his fatigue debuffs if the opponent hits you they are less likely to crit. This means that if you make a mistake and get hit you have a likely chance to survive and continue the fight. And since his debuffs place on a timer and on the sp1, he allows you to play defensive and careful, or fast and aggressive while still doing what he needs to do.
    3. Damage
    For a utility based champion void actually has pretty solid damage. With Fotv active my rank 5 void can hit 7k mediums and 10k sp1s and does ~900 dot which is pretty solid. The dot is also affected by modified attack so if there are nodes that give you more attack the dot will hit even harder (with the 10 furies from the cav eq it would tick for 1.2k).

    Overall void is such a great champ he has a mix of great utility, damage, and survivability which has helped him stay relevant for all these years. He may not be as flashy as torch but he is just as relevant. And I highly suggest you rank him up.
  • ItsTheBroskiItsTheBroski Member Posts: 492 ★★
    5* Apocalypse to R5 (lvl 40)
    I’d secretly go with corvus. When brought mine to r5 i never looked back….
  • TROUBL3DTROUBL3D Member Posts: 195
    Not much separating them so far…
  • TROUBL3DTROUBL3D Member Posts: 195
    Anymore for anymore?
  • TROUBL3DTROUBL3D Member Posts: 195
  • Darksniper240Darksniper240 Member Posts: 222 ★★★
    5* Corvus to R5 (unduped)
    I guess it depends what you are trying to do next and if you run suicides. If running suicides: I'd say corvus to make AQ life easier. I use my R2 6* corvus about as much as my R3 6* apoc in aq, so on even ground in AQ corvus gets the nod. However, apoc literally wrecks lanes everywhere else. I rather like him without making a horseman, but he's just so much fun at I haven't done a lot of testing with horseman.

    AA also wouldn't be a bad decision either as he has his uses. Would stay away from ghost as you have a 5 star at rank 5. The rest of the options I am not too versed in. Either way you have some awesome champs to rank up. Good luck!

  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,063 Guardian
    5* AA to R5 (lvl 80)
    AA void Apoc are priorities.
    all three will benefit your roster immensely.
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