My worst dilemma ever

I am at 6 points right now in summer of pain.
I have only missed mysterio because, well, I had no counter.
Now here comes this stupid emma, whom I can't defeat. Call me skillless if you want to, but if you took her down you'll know how tough it is to outsmart the AI.
At 7 points, I will get 50% t5cc selector. Right now, I have about 45% of a tech t5cc. Supposing I can do either emma or week 9 I will only be 5% of a tech 5cc away from TB (I just defeated grandmaster this week).
Now I have two choices:
1. Waste hours upon hours trying to kill emma and waste revives too... with no guarantee of actually defeating her
2. Give up and pray for the next SoP to be doable for me
Now, I'm not saying the summer of pain is a bad event... or that this fight must be nerfed.
All I'm saying is, either way, the "opportunity cost" is too risky for me.
If only they allowed us to at least know what the next fight will be, I'd be much happier and determined to go either way.
Anyway, thank you Kabam for bringing me so close to thronebreaker.
Also, thank you for ruining my sleep and life by not giving this little piece of clarity for the sake of suspense
If possible, I BEG YOU, Kabam, please let us know what the next fight is. View it as a piece of compensating for the parry bug, if you wish.
I have only missed mysterio because, well, I had no counter.
Now here comes this stupid emma, whom I can't defeat. Call me skillless if you want to, but if you took her down you'll know how tough it is to outsmart the AI.
At 7 points, I will get 50% t5cc selector. Right now, I have about 45% of a tech t5cc. Supposing I can do either emma or week 9 I will only be 5% of a tech 5cc away from TB (I just defeated grandmaster this week).
Now I have two choices:
1. Waste hours upon hours trying to kill emma and waste revives too... with no guarantee of actually defeating her
2. Give up and pray for the next SoP to be doable for me
Now, I'm not saying the summer of pain is a bad event... or that this fight must be nerfed.
All I'm saying is, either way, the "opportunity cost" is too risky for me.
If only they allowed us to at least know what the next fight will be, I'd be much happier and determined to go either way.
Anyway, thank you Kabam for bringing me so close to thronebreaker.
Also, thank you for ruining my sleep and life by not giving this little piece of clarity for the sake of suspense
If possible, I BEG YOU, Kabam, please let us know what the next fight is. View it as a piece of compensating for the parry bug, if you wish.
Because then it'll be too risky to revive
Because then it'll be too risky to revive
If so use him
At 17 charges it took off roughly about 50% of hear health. Now fire 2 special 2s when you have 17 charges or 1 special 2 when you have 34 chrsges and it's GGs.
I got the solo with this method.
I used Dragon Man and his Healing is OP for this fight
Tried using r5 prof but it is very difficult to intercept OR gain charges (you gotta risk charging heavies when she is in armor phase)
If you can get her to 50% or close, you should weigh the cost of resource materials gained vs resources spent. I think it’s probably worth it for you to revive. Where else can you get the t5cc for such a low cost, and you have a week before you need to get it done. I’d farm some revives with your daily energy and the energy you get from rewards as well as solo objectives. Might not cost you anything at all, other than the auto fight time.
And prolly use monke cuz its a guaranteed 5-10% down each time.
While with g99 you gotta get to 60ish hits for 10%
Actually this Emma fight should have been 4th in SOP after it difficulty should have been escalated. That would have made it SOP as advertised. Or adaptoid 1st fight followed by mysterio then Emma. After it in would expect collector, The 6.2 Champ type bosses till week 9. It would have been real great to End gamers as difficulty would rise up and with more annoying and hard but practically skilled base nodes
Use the special 1 to gain charges and refresh prowess and after Emma throws a sp1 you have enough time to throw a quick heavy into air for more charges.
It's still a long fight this way since you don't ramp prowess fast but there's not much to worry about.
Revives are free from 22 hour event or only cost 40 units. Look at it like are rewards worth 400 units.
Answer = yes.
Don’t get fixated on solo’ing this fight. You don’t get
More points or bigger rewards despite what some people Have you believe
Hopefully they give parry bug compensation ffs.
If I can do the next fight, then all the units on this fight go waste.