My Apologies

I was, apparently, unaffected by this parry bug before this last update and honestly I thought it had to be overblown. Well, I have it now, and I apologize to everyone who has been dealing with it for weeks for even thinking that. Karma is a B I guess.
So what happens if your phone gets a little warm and the CPU throttles for a brief moment, not enough to cause the game to studder but enough to where it just doesn't have enough time to do everything it is supposed to do during that one 1/30th of a second frame? The engine has to "cheat" and catch up somehow. It might skip a few steps. It might skip an entire frame and jump to the next one. You might see lag or studder, or you might not notice. But if any of these things causes the game to skip doing something critical to figuring out if you held block at the right moment, that Parry could fail.
Over a long period of time, the developers have probably added all sorts of modification to the game engine to try to smooth this stuff out. But when they yank out the old engine and replace it with a new engine because the vendor says to patch your systems or they will stop supporting you, all the ways in which funky things can happen in random circumstances is now suddenly different. All the fixes you put in now no longer work, because now the problems are different. And different players with different phones doing different things and thus running in a different dynamic environment could see completely different behavior. Parry could literally go funky if it is warmer than normal (which causes the phone to behave a little different). Anything in your environment that could make your phone work even slightly different could take a marginal case in the game engine and push it over the edge into craptown territory.
Why DNA? Why?
I also still apologize to the player base that has been experiencing all this "fun" for much longer than I knowing that I thought it had to be overblown only to find out it isn' all