As been said for years on here about Degen & 'Static' Shock...

First, I want you to know that I Do LOVE this game. But like many loyal players of this game, there are better games to soend money on. Of course, it is the monetary "profit", which is understandably the focus of any business ;-)
Anyway, it's been requested/ griped/ suggested for years by loyal MCOC players that Kabam stop it with the "cheap" tactics of "degeneration", static shock, power gain (champion goes immediately to Special 3 and annihilates you LOL), etc.
Degeneration (or Degen) is something that basically chips away at your champion's health over time. NO champion is immune to this, ESPECIALLY when it is part of a "node" or similar thing. I am not talking about Degen abilities by champions mind you :-)
The same goes for "static shock" which is NOT the same as "Shock". Again, no champion is immune to this. And like degen, just chips away at your health.
Why this is a cheap tactic? Because it encourages you to "purchase" items to either revive your dead champ, increase their health, or other helpful items, etc.
Sure, Kabam would say "Well if you had this (specific) champ..." Well Kabam, I know players who STILL don't have these "specific" champs to deal with your "specific" nodes/ quests/ etc. I've been playing for 3+ years and still don't have Doom as a 4- to 6-star champ.
Kabam would say, "Well, have been updating our champions' abilities the pst year..." Um, well, these issues have been brought to your attention for YEARS. Like, Y.E.A.R.S.
In summary, for the record again, I Do LOVE this game. But like many loyal players out there, there are better games that don't try to use "cheap" tactics in order to "profit", which is understandably the focus of any business ;-)
Anyway, it's been requested/ griped/ suggested for years by loyal MCOC players that Kabam stop it with the "cheap" tactics of "degeneration", static shock, power gain (champion goes immediately to Special 3 and annihilates you LOL), etc.
Degeneration (or Degen) is something that basically chips away at your champion's health over time. NO champion is immune to this, ESPECIALLY when it is part of a "node" or similar thing. I am not talking about Degen abilities by champions mind you :-)
The same goes for "static shock" which is NOT the same as "Shock". Again, no champion is immune to this. And like degen, just chips away at your health.
Why this is a cheap tactic? Because it encourages you to "purchase" items to either revive your dead champ, increase their health, or other helpful items, etc.
Sure, Kabam would say "Well if you had this (specific) champ..." Well Kabam, I know players who STILL don't have these "specific" champs to deal with your "specific" nodes/ quests/ etc. I've been playing for 3+ years and still don't have Doom as a 4- to 6-star champ.
Kabam would say, "Well, have been updating our champions' abilities the pst year..." Um, well, these issues have been brought to your attention for YEARS. Like, Y.E.A.R.S.
In summary, for the record again, I Do LOVE this game. But like many loyal players out there, there are better games that don't try to use "cheap" tactics in order to "profit", which is understandably the focus of any business ;-)
Degen can be countered by regen or immortality.
Static Shock can be countered by shock immunity or Gulk.
Power Gain can be countered by power control.
The problem is your mentality and view is too limited.
For example, you gave Doom as a counter for shock immunity and you don’t have a 5/6* version of him.
That’s just you limiting yourself.
He’s not the only shock immune. There are others like Thing, Terrax, Moleman, Korg etc.
It’s not a “cheap trick” as you proclaim. It’s the game giving you a puzzle and you using your game knowledge to solve it.
For example, I believe the most commonly encountered “shock” node that people encounter is EMP Modification, found in AW Section 2 left side common node.
The node works when you trigger a buff, then opponent uses a special, then you get a passive shock.
So there are 3 components to it and if you counter any of the 3 components, the shock doesn’t affect you.
1. Don’t trigger buffs, like Red Guardian.
2. Don’t allow opponents to use specials, like Quake Vision Magik.
3. Don’t take damage from shock, like above mentioned.
All you require to solve the puzzle is your knowledge and a decently broad roster, which brings us to another topic on roster development.
Nah I'm just gonna say it. Literally every champion has it
2. "Static shock" is not a type of damage. That's just flair text. Electro's "Static Shock" is explicitly stated to be energy damage. Anything that resists energy damage can resist Electro's "static shock" damage. Furthermore this damage requires contact and is susceptible to ability accuracy reduction. That means even things not immune to energy damage can still avoid this damage completely in at least two completely different ways.
The "issues" you're mentioning have been brought up for years, but frankly most of the knowledgeable playerbase has been dismissing them for almost as long. For one thing, these issues are almost always brought up by players who are *wrong* about them. They are wrong about what the effects do, or how to counter them, and that destroys their credibility. And second, most players eventually learn to deal with them, because that's part of playing the game. You're not going to skate by forever without learning how abilities and effects work, and what abilities and tactics counter them.
For example the way I deal with Electro shock damage in AQ with my second (much lower) account is to just go in with X-23 and not use specials. Why not use specials? Because X-23's healing increases with stored power. So if I constantly use specials, Electro's strike back damage will probably kill me. But if I don't use specials, X-23's heals scale up to the point where she easily outpaces Electro's strike back damage, even though X-23 doesn't have any specific counter to that effect.
You're supposed to learn these kinds of things, and if you don't know how to adapt on your own, you're supposed to assume everyone else before you did, and try to find out how. If you're surrounded by people constantly telling you how "cheap" the tactics are in the game and how everything is so unfair and everything is designed to get you to spend money, you're doing yourself a disservice listening to them. They are turning you into a victim. But you're a victim by choice. Choose not to be. Accept the game has these complexities, and learn how to turn them into an advantage rather than a disadvantage. I was just telling another player in another thread how Bane can seem like an awful effect to a newer player, but with experience veteran players turn Bane into an advantage: they use it against the opponent for more damage, rather than be killed by it.
Before I started playing MCOC, I spent most of my game playing time playing MMOs. And it was the same there. Every single MMO I played had players constantly complaining about the "cheap" tactics the developers used. Every single one. And every single one had players who simply accepted those game features and devised tactics to deal with them. You have to decide which of those you want to be. The game's not going to change for you. All you can do is decide if you're going to meet the challenge, or be beaten by it.
Not to mention with the exception of Starburst, you could always just play around the source of Degeneration (don't dash back too often against No Retreat, don't trigger timed buffs during Mojo's Anti-Life Field, don't bleed Elsa Bloodstone unless you're a Mutant, don't get hit by the specials that inflict them (Negative's sp2, Maw's sp2 and more), the list goes on.
Git Gud