New structure to arenas

The time has come for a new structure to arenas. A complete overhaul to the entire system is needed.
1. T4B arena - setup should remain largely the same, with multiple T3B milestones and a T4B milestone. Expand rank rewards to allow top 10% to earn an addition T4B. Give us motivation to grind beyond 1.1m
2. T4C arena - multiple milestones for T4C shard crystals and a final milestone for a full T4C. Rank rewards should be expanded to top 10% being awarded a full T4C
3. T2A arena - multiple T1A milestones and a final milestone of T2A shard crystal. Top 1% can earn an additional T2A shard crystal
1. 3* Featured arena - remains unchanged. 2*+3* champs can be used. Top 10% earn 3* featured champ.
2. 4* Basic arena - remains unchanged. 3*+4* can be used. Top 10% earn 4* Basic champ
3. 4* Featured arena - redesigned to copy the rewards format of the current 3* arena. 4*+5* can be used. Top 10% earn the 4* featured champ
4. 5* UNCOLLECTED arena - only available to The Uncollected. use your 4* and 5* champs to earn a 5* featured champ. Includes 2* featured and 3* featured as early milestones. Top 10% earn 4* featured champ. Top 500 earn the 5* featured champ PLUS the 4* featured champ
What do you guys think? Am I on to something here or just being an idiot
1. T4B arena - setup should remain largely the same, with multiple T3B milestones and a T4B milestone. Expand rank rewards to allow top 10% to earn an addition T4B. Give us motivation to grind beyond 1.1m
2. T4C arena - multiple milestones for T4C shard crystals and a final milestone for a full T4C. Rank rewards should be expanded to top 10% being awarded a full T4C
3. T2A arena - multiple T1A milestones and a final milestone of T2A shard crystal. Top 1% can earn an additional T2A shard crystal
1. 3* Featured arena - remains unchanged. 2*+3* champs can be used. Top 10% earn 3* featured champ.
2. 4* Basic arena - remains unchanged. 3*+4* can be used. Top 10% earn 4* Basic champ
3. 4* Featured arena - redesigned to copy the rewards format of the current 3* arena. 4*+5* can be used. Top 10% earn the 4* featured champ
4. 5* UNCOLLECTED arena - only available to The Uncollected. use your 4* and 5* champs to earn a 5* featured champ. Includes 2* featured and 3* featured as early milestones. Top 10% earn 4* featured champ. Top 500 earn the 5* featured champ PLUS the 4* featured champ
What do you guys think? Am I on to something here or just being an idiot
But t4b should change to t5b shared and milestone should contain 2t4b I think
The main idea is to make it easier for everyone to progress to the point of becoming uncollected. Bringing some balance back to arenas. You can't tell me anyone here actually thinks 18m for a 4* featured champ is worth it.
The moment they release a 5* arena, everyone reading this knows that 4* cutoffs will drop well below 10m. The only reason cutoffs are high right now is because we all need 5* shards and battlechips for units. The best source of that currently is finishing top 800
I don't doubt that there are several flaws to the arena formats I originally described. But the overall concept is something I hope we can work together to build into a solid suggestion and recommendation to get Kabam moving on this long overdue arena overhaul.
And yes, the low 2* featured milestone would be mainly for champ testing purposes. Quickly decide if the new champ functions as advertised and if it's worth the grind.
A couple of thoughts have been discussed in another thread (
1) I agree with @Sungj that 10% gaining the featured 4* is too many; but what about just slightly increasing the rewards in the Featured arena so the top 1% (or even 0.5%) got a basic version of the Featured champion?
2) Alternately, introduce a consolation prize for the top 1-5% in the 4* (and 5*?) featured arenas: a Featured crystal that works like the monthly login crystal; with a guaranteed 3* and rare 4* basic version of the Featured champion. This would at least let the top tier expand their rosters with new characters, even if they didn't get the 4*. It could also have the benefit of pulling higher-tier players away from grinding the 3* featured arena so they could concentrate on the 4*.
Only one criticism, @Chancellor_Hawk - did ya get bored before moving on to the Sunday cornucopia/splash arenas?
It would also be nice to see 5* shards integrated into Sunday Cornucopia as well.
I understand the changes announced today regarding the 5* featured crystals, bringing them in line with 3* and 4* featured champs, with one MASSIVE exception:
We all have a chance to grind for 3* and 4* featured champs in arenas.
Please give us our long overdue refresh to arenas!