Luke Cage or Thing+Science AG?

thanks4playingthanks4playing Member Posts: 805 ★★★
edited August 2021 in Strategy and Tips
Both are 5 stars. Luke Cage is duped; Thing is not but I have a science AG and lots of science sig stones.

I do NOT have Cap IW, HT, IBom, or IHulk yet. I do have a sig 200 Void though. I don't think I'll be hunting for 5 stars (I don't have the ISO to rank them all the way up and I'm focused on 6 stars). Plus, I'm trying to dupe AA and get NF so I can use skill AG, so I'll probably be popping skill/mutant duals from now on.

I prioritize AW (p4/g1). M5/6 for AQ. I have 7.1/7.2 and a few variants left.

I don't know enough about Thing's signature ability (how useful it is, what scenarios it can be used for) to make a decision. I scoured the Internet for info and all I can find is that it's useful against aggression fury, might be useful against encroaching stun and window of opp stun, useful against 6.3's Cap IW, might sometimes tank sp3? Please correct me if I'm wrong here--there's not much gameplay out there on Thing's signature. (I probably won't use Thing as AWD b/c my bg already has r3 Thing.)

For LC, I think he'd just make my CavEQ exploration much easier. But honestly, it hasn't been difficult (I have Quake and Void).

So not sure if I really need LC and his potential seems much lower than Thing's; but not sure if Thing is worth it unless I awaken and sig him up (but I don't know if his sig ability is even worth it).

Luke Cage or Thing+Science AG? 15 votes

Thing, but don't awaken
Cap366IronGladiator22 2 votes
Thing and awaken and sig him up (if possible, please explain what scenarios his sig ability is good for, esp. in AW)
TitoBandito187AMS94LouisW89Drauglin0casual0Scrubhan 6 votes
LC (if possible, please explain what scenarios he's good in, esp. in AW)
TerraValentinos13 2 votes
Wait it out
Denzel116Sean_WhoQuantumEmperorXVAntzRodzfuzzyniffler 5 votes
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on


  • TitoBandito187TitoBandito187 Member Posts: 2,072 ★★★★
    Thing and awaken and sig him up (if possible, please explain what scenarios his sig ability is good for, esp. in AW)
    Luke cage only needs dupe and sig 1 which let's him tank an sp3. It's really only for offense to save your butt.

    Things sig ability really is more for offense as well, but can be handy on defense. I honestly don't use thing much because he needs pretty much a full synergy team, but then he can be a total cheese.
  • HoitadoHoitado Member Posts: 3,707 ★★★★★
    Luke Cage is overrated IMO. I would never use a gem on him
  • LouisW89LouisW89 Member Posts: 126
    Thing and awaken and sig him up (if possible, please explain what scenarios his sig ability is good for, esp. in AW)
    Thing 100%. His signature ability activates his protection under certain circumstances, which tanks 80% of damage from all sources PLUS 1% for each rock stack. 20 rock stacks brings it up to 100% damage reduction for a limited time.

    I've had Thing sitting at sig 20 for about 2 years and he was useful but fell onto my bench as I got better champs. When I finally decided to sig him up about a month ago, I was massively surprised at how much stronger and tankier he becomes. He's now back on my A team for a lot of content
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,660 ★★★★★
    LC (if possible, please explain what scenarios he's good in, esp. in AW)
    Hoitado said:

    Luke Cage is overrated IMO. I would never use a gem on him

    I'd say underated actually. I hear almost nobody talk about him anymore, despite his buff making him from meme to very useful.
    With Thing, I only see people say "He's decent, but needs entire team built around him to shine"
  • Sean_WhoSean_Who Member Posts: 618 ★★★
    Wait it out
    Only ever used thing for tanking sp3, and mitigating dot (drop heavy when there's unavoidable damage coming up) but it's also a great safety net if you mess up.

    That said he's been benched as a five star for a while and I don't think I'm going to use my gem/stones on my 6 star.

    Doom covers my armour break/shock immunity now, ghost tanks my sp3 better, don't have all synergies for 'thing cheese'.

    Don't need stagger immunity a whole bunch but the five star will cut it if I do.

  • AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    Thing and awaken and sig him up (if possible, please explain what scenarios his sig ability is good for, esp. in AW)
    Thing & Cage...both of these are champs that u probably won't need to use except in some rare situations
    Such rare situations are more common fr Thing than Cage
    Also Thing is overall a better champion
    Cage's sig ability works perfectly fine at low sig as well, however Thing needs to be as high sig as u cn get him to get the most out of his sig ability
    Thing also has better synergies
    The only silver lining fr Cage cn be that he might get a value or moderate update in future while Thing probably won't...however this in itself isn't a viable reason to value him over Thing as it's based on speculation
  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,208 ★★★★★
    I dont really like either champ but if i had to go with one, probably thing.
  • thanks4playingthanks4playing Member Posts: 805 ★★★
    Thank you to all who responded.

    I should have mentioned that I do not plan on using Thing with synergies. Looks really boring tbh.

    I decided to wait it out, esp. with Miles buff coming up. Since they changed the cadence of the buff schedule and he's gonna be an overhaul, there's a good chance that he'll be worth the resources.
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