Is this possible?
I didn’t know it was possible for domino to effect longshots ability accuracy. I brought longshot into this fight for that specific reason. But thru the entire fight he suffered from her ability accuracy reduction. Am I missing something? Or is this a bug?
For example toxican toxicant has a X% chance of triggering a poison on the opponent and even thought longshot has +300% ability accuracy it’s still not guaranteed so when that poison fails to proc then you will be crit failed.
Additionally if you run the resonate mastery he will repeatedly fail to apply the weakness triggering crit failure.
And it’s really a fundamental misunderstanding of what crit failure is. Crit Failure triggers when her opponent fails an ability based on chance. You failed the 51% chance to gain Karma when attacked so you triggered crit failure.
The fact that Longshot is immune to passive AAR doesn’t make him immune to Critical Failure. Sorcerer Supreme at high sig is, on her base kit, immune to Critical Failure because her signature ability increases her ability accuracy on all of her kit to well over 100%. She’ll never fail to proc an ability (nodes notwithstanding), and so will never trigger Critical Failure.
Domino has a base ability accuracy reduction of 15%, and can reduce ability accuracy by a further 35% when the opponent is unlucky. This totals to a 50% ability accuracy reduction when the opponent is unlucky.
Assuming there are no nodes giving Sorcerer Supreme extra abilities that have a lesser chance of triggering or further ability accuracy reduction, she should never drop below 100% ability accuracy.
That being said, if you are experiencing Critical Failure at sig 200, then either there is a node causing it or a bug which should be addressed.
Champions also have ability accuracy. This ability accuracy is a relative ability accuracy: it modifies the ability accuracy of all their abilities. This can be confusing for some players.
If I said an ability did 100 damage, but the champion had a +30% fury buff, you'd expect that ability to do 130 damage. We expect the raw damage of an ability to scale with attack buffs. The same thing happens with ability accuracy. We expect an ability with an intrinsic ability accuracy of 30% to have a 30% chance to trigger. But if the champion has +10% ability accuracy, we would expect that ability to now have a 33% chance to trigger: 10 percent more than 30.
Longshot has base ability accuracy of 300%. That's +200%, not +300%. But because normal base ability accuracy is 100%, +200% is 300%. They mean the same thing. That 300% ability accuracy doesn't mean all his abilities have a 300% chance to trigger. It means essentially that Longshot's abilities have three times higher chance to trigger than their intrinsic ability accuracy. This is reflected in his in-game info so players don't have to do math. His chance to gain good Karma is listed as 51%. That's because its intrinsic chance is 17%, and with his 300% ability accuracy it becomes 17x3=51%.
Why does Longshot do all this crazy math? To make ability accuracy debuffs weaker against him. Most champions have base 100% ability accuracy. That means all their abilities trigger at their intrinsic ability accuracy (because anything x 1.0 = same thing). But when you debuff those champions with a -50% ability accuracy debuff, their own ability accuracy drops to 50%: 100% - 50%. That means now all their abilities trigger half as often.
What happens when you land a -50% ability accuracy debuff on Longshot? His ability accuracy drops from 300% to 250%. His chance to trigger good Karma drops from 17x3= 51% to 17x2.5 = 42.5%. Notice it isn't cut in half, it drops by a much smaller number.
Basically, this was the developers' way of giving Longshot ability accuracy reduction debuff resistance.