What would you do in this situation?

When SoP rewards come in, I've acquired myself 50% of a t5cc. This would be my TB rankup
The relevant part of my 6* roster:
I've excluded cosmic, skill and science because either I'm nowhere near or my only option is a GHulk and I don't like playing him

Here is my t5cc

I know it's still a week away but I need to hunt down a boat load of t4cc. I have a mystic 1-2 gem and a generic.
Would you:
(I don't like playing HB or CW or HtD even if they're good champs after their buff, don't kill me lol)
The relevant part of my 6* roster:
I've excluded cosmic, skill and science because either I'm nowhere near or my only option is a GHulk and I don't like playing him

Here is my t5cc

I know it's still a week away but I need to hunt down a boat load of t4cc. I have a mystic 1-2 gem and a generic.
Would you:
(I don't like playing HB or CW or HtD even if they're good champs after their buff, don't kill me lol)
What would you do in this situation? 123 votes
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
on the other hand i'll be TB by 2027 at the earliest
He isn't, therefore I'm gonna pretend I don't want him what did i do to you why you hate me
You won’t.
Still kicking myself
But because, the moment you use that mutant t5cc, you know you'll pull AA.
That's how it's always been
So I would go with Ultron out of the two tech champs. He is super sustainable with his double regen and does some good damage. I don't have my 5* fully ranked up so I haven't been able to try him out in as hard content as I'd need to give a proper verdict, but my 5r4 managed to clear an entire lane for me in the Cav EQ last month.
However, I've heard *amazing* things about Diablo after his buff and I'm kicking my luck in both the shins and various other body parts for not providing me with him in any rarity above a 4*. I can't personally recommend him since I haven't played him, but he seems absolutely awesome.
SPX seems amazing as a horsewoman but I haven't heard too many great things about her by herself.
Alternative you can go with Diablo as well but Ultron is slightly better
As a general rule, my approach to rank ups considers two things:
1) what utility does this champion provide that is missing from my ranked-up roster currently?
2) is this champion fun to play for me?
I find both Sassy and Guilly very fun, and they can both be both damage and utility powerhouses. Haven’t played around with Diablo enough yet to nail down how I feel about him without running suicides.
All that being said, Iron Fist all day.
I didn't wait for you know who