Good pulls but with a catch

AgentDoom9AgentDoom9 Member Posts: 271 ★★
I really don’t want to come off as whiny lol, trust me I’m very thankful for these pulls and they could have totally been some dumpster fire champ but dam. It just sucks to get sick 6*s but then they all require high sig. Show me your best but also disappointing 6* pulls and we can all gather sig stones in a collective sadness.


  • HoitadoHoitado Member Posts: 3,707 ★★★★★
    Cap IW is still a beast without awakening. I have mine at Rank 2 and got the solo on Ghost with 120 hits

    He perfect Block and Damage are still very useful
  • TheHeroDeservedTheHeroDeserved Member Posts: 761 ★★★
    Angela is still useful without the awakening. Use my r2 in EQ and other content. She's got solid damage.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,410 Guardian
    Red Guardian is still useful without being awakened: of the five I think he loses the least from being unawakened. CapIW benefits a lot from his sig but he's still extremely good without it. Angela gains extra situational utility with her sig: if you want to play her in a situation where you need autoblock suppression or where she could get nullified her sig is necessary, but everywhere else she's almost exactly as good with or without it.

    It is really just Aegon and Namor that need to be awakened and at high sig to enable the use cases most people think of when they think of those champs.
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★

    I first pulled namor when abyss was released with those rewards. Just duped him today but not throwing 180 sigs.
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