Suicides - should I finally do it?

Disgruntled_User_123Disgruntled_User_123 Member Posts: 1,105 ★★★
edited August 2021 in Strategy and Tips

I’m TB and I am at the end game point of Abyss and Act 6 exploration (all Variants completed and working on Act 7.2 exploration currently).

I have never unlocked suicides and I’ve been playing for years. I don’t have Deep Wounds maximized and I use a lot of bleed champs. I also enjoy playing with a variety of champions (which has made me hesitant to use cores for Suicides in the past).

I have 3 Carboninium cores and 4 Stony Mastery cores, so I’m highly considering if I want to dip my toe in suicides or max out Deep Wounds.

End Game Players advice - what is your suggestion? Is it worth it based on your experience? I rarely grind arena.

Suicides - should I finally do it? 36 votes

Go for it - dip you toe in Suicides and see if it’s right for you.
AKTEKB_Dizzle_01Mathking13Mattstafaribrahimpi99PastorAmericaMaxLeeScrubhanDarksniper240groundedmaster20005Hidr8__Yogesh123Detective_PikachuSoulcrush3rPowerOfACandle 15 votes
Not worth it unless you go all in - you won’t see much of a difference with unlocking just a couple suicides
SungjHilldarSpurgeon14Battle_GreninjaAmaadAkiraDoctor_Strange19Phillip14233GiuliameijChaosMax1012Helpingmagnus_xixSirGamesBond 12 votes
Maximize Deep Wounds or another mastery - suicides are not worth it if you don’t grind arena
10or_Strongspiderbites0196Denslo500Rohit_316Will3808BrobosSpecMGraves_3Dave7099 9 votes
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • Rohit_316Rohit_316 Member Posts: 3,417 ★★★★★
    Maximize Deep Wounds or another mastery - suicides are not worth it if you don’t grind arena
    Go if you can unlock full suicides which costs you approx. 8k units . Don't just unlock half of it.
  • magnus_xixmagnus_xix Member Posts: 2,038 ★★★★★
    Not worth it unless you go all in - you won’t see much of a difference with unlocking just a couple suicides
    Half suicides is not worth taking recoil
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,029 ★★★★★
    Not worth it unless you go all in - you won’t see much of a difference with unlocking just a couple suicides
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    DawsMan said:

    imagine you're looking at the title of this thread and someone walks by just seeing: SUICIDE (s, wouldn't see the s lets say) - SHOULD I FINALLY DO IT, and ya scroll down and theres a yes

    I don’t know why people started calling them that, but I hate the name “suicide” masteries. Beyond the personal impact of the word to me, it’s inaccurate. The goal is not to kill yourself, and depending on what champs you use, you actually can gain health from them.
  • Rohit_316Rohit_316 Member Posts: 3,417 ★★★★★
    Maximize Deep Wounds or another mastery - suicides are not worth it if you don’t grind arena
    Suicides takes approx. 8k units to full unlock. 8k units is not "dipping toe" it's like dipping whole body mate lol.
  • GiuliameijGiuliameij Member Posts: 1,849 ★★★★
    Not worth it unless you go all in - you won’t see much of a difference with unlocking just a couple suicides
    If you are fine with the long lasting fights in quests I would just go for other masteries. I do have suicides but often do a lot of arena. I like the shorter time I spend on quests aswell. But I know a friend doesn`t mind the slightly longer quest times and thus will never run suicides.
  • Mathking13Mathking13 Member Posts: 988 ★★★
    Go for it - dip you toe in Suicides and see if it’s right for you.
    If you unlock the Suicide Masteries, I'd recommend trying out a little bit of arena grinding. With those masteries, fights in arena aren't NEARLY as frustrating (or slow), and you'll get more points per fight on top of it (from my experience, about 30% more points).
    I'd personally recommend maxing out one of Double Edge or Liquid Courage first, and then work on the other. I personally got it all in one go, but if I hadn't, I probably would have unlocked Liquid Courage first, as you don't lose any more health per second from the poison at higher ranks, so it's just more attack.
    Once you've started that, try some arena. If you like how much easier it makes getting points in Arena, and you think you'd be happy grinding arena somewhat regularly, I'd say go all in. If not, you can spec out of them, and you haven't really lost much from having a try of them (I assume you got the 1k unit deal that showed up today?)

    Though if you DO decide to go all in on those masteries and grind arena, I can personally say you will get a very nice return on your investment quicker than you'd expect.
    I've personally been able to get a good 3k units in a month from arena grinding (milestones + battlechips) with a decently-sized roster (don't sleep on those 3- and 4-stars!)
    - Featured/Basic - 10-12 rounds at a time (gives 1.1M/1.6M points in basic/featured respectively), can do that twice a day pretty easily. That gets me all the Basic milestones by day 2, and then I can get a good 3M points in the featured on top of that. That's able to give me a good almost 200 units.
    - Trials - my 5/50s make up about 8 teams, going down to my 3/30s gives me 16 teams, and 3-stars also can do quite a bit (~450k/600k/800k respectively). That can be done on a 2 hour cooldown. I don't usually run it that strict, so 3 runs a day is pretty good. I tend to hit all the milestones that way. That's 270 units from milestones alone.
    - Arena Crystals - after running a 3-day arena, I usually end up with at least 100k battlechips. Usual rule of thumb is 1M BC = 2k units, so 200 more units there is pretty awesome.

  • Spurgeon14Spurgeon14 Member Posts: 1,665 ★★★★
    Not worth it unless you go all in - you won’t see much of a difference with unlocking just a couple suicides
    Half suicides are not worth it. To really appreciate suicides you also have to allow for the adjustment period. Several years ago I just did half suicides (liquid courage) and decided it wasn't worth it. When I duped a 6* Corvus I was willing to try them again as by that time I had a plethora of champs that were more sustainable with suicides (Ghost, Omega Red, and a lot of champs with at least one immunity). I knew this time it would be a little bit more of an adjustment, and it was, but I definitely enjoy it. Makes you think about throwing specials, but also gives you a sick damage boost!
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