So what’s people’s ’enthusiasm’ of the game right now?



  • Aomine_Daiki10Aomine_Daiki10 Member Posts: 1,656 ★★★★★
    Monthly buffs have been making the game fun for me, but after seeing the recent approach to it. Nothing really interests me much anymore, just a grindy game with less enjoyable content.
  • Hera1d_of_Ga1actusHera1d_of_Ga1actus Member Posts: 2,441 ★★★★★

    The amount of bugs lately, especially in SoP, have killed my interest in the game. I’m also disappointed with the SoP finale—I’m just not having fun with it so I might not even 100% it.
    Part of my growing disinterest in the game stems from real world issues (I’m working on my next two novels, trying to get a completed one picked up, and editing my upcoming book as well as starting school back up next week) but if I’m being honest what’s killing my interest is the game itself. It just stopped being fun lately.

    It’s literally called having a life, hope you do great in your ventures man
  • Salve_maker05Salve_maker05 Member Posts: 424 ★★★
    I just finished act 6 which is a massive milestone so I’m kind of in a “what to do next” period
  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    About the same
    It’s meh about the same problem is the lag is making me less and less enthused
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  • Upanddown_69Upanddown_69 Member Posts: 251
    edited August 2021
    My personal biggest gripes:

    1. Far too many champs who rely on being awakened, and or high sig.

    Was fine w 5 stars, but at my level, 6*s aren’t that easy to get and I have a bunch of unduped champs just sitting there. Makes them worthless… much rather just rank up my 5*.

    One solution is to at least offer cav players daily access to the dual class crystals same as the 5* ones. At least that would give me a better than 200-1 chance at a dupe.

    2. Compensation, at the end of the day, is just trash. I’ve labored through crazy bugs for ages, and they’ll throw me 5000 6* shards or something. I got that w the monthly card.

    Don’t really want compensation, is what I’m saying, I want to not have to deal w this every month. Want proper damn debugging!

    Still love the game and think it’s super fun, but definitely winding down my pretty big spending on it, if I’m honest.
  • SwarmOfRavensSwarmOfRavens Member Posts: 1,264 ★★★★★
    About the same
    Adevati said:

    Adevati said:

    RNG based progression. R3 for TB is silly and discouraging.

    Didn't know we were still pretending TB requirement needs RNG.
    I was 10% away from a T5CC.

    For 3 months, I opened the Cav Exploration 10% nexus crystal. Didn’t get what I needed (btw, probability of that happening is 13.4%). Opened 3 25% from content finishing; didn’t get what I needed (51.2% probability of not getting 1 specific class in 3 tries).

    Farmed every 2%. Opened a bunch. Got down to 4% from highest catalyst.

    By the time SoP rewards hit. I had 3 catalysts higher than 75%. The selectors finally put me over the edge.

    TL;DR - Yes, RNG.
    This is why I can't take anyone saying it needs RNG seriously.

    You're talking about not getting what you wanted from crystals when you can literally ignore every single t5cc crystal and still get a guaranteed t5cc from selectors in content exploration and completion offers and that was even before SOP came and made 125% additional t5cc selectors available.

    You Literally don't need to rely on RNG, your TL;DR should read "I feel like it needs RNG because I chose to ignore the selectors"
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  • AdevatiAdevati Member Posts: 440 ★★★

    Adevati said:

    Adevati said:

    RNG based progression. R3 for TB is silly and discouraging.

    Didn't know we were still pretending TB requirement needs RNG.
    I was 10% away from a T5CC.

    For 3 months, I opened the Cav Exploration 10% nexus crystal. Didn’t get what I needed (btw, probability of that happening is 13.4%). Opened 3 25% from content finishing; didn’t get what I needed (51.2% probability of not getting 1 specific class in 3 tries).

    Farmed every 2%. Opened a bunch. Got down to 4% from highest catalyst.

    By the time SoP rewards hit. I had 3 catalysts higher than 75%. The selectors finally put me over the edge.

    TL;DR - Yes, RNG.
    This is why I can't take anyone saying it needs RNG seriously.

    You're talking about not getting what you wanted from crystals when you can literally ignore every single t5cc crystal and still get a guaranteed t5cc from selectors in content exploration and completion offers and that was even before SOP came and made 125% additional t5cc selectors available.

    You Literally don't need to rely on RNG, your TL;DR should read "I feel like it needs RNG because I chose to ignore the selectors"
    Ah, so not RNG. We just all need to ignore the content requirements Kabam set to complete Act 6, go explore book 2 and stop whining?

    This has been very helpful, thank you. I’m sure that is exactly how Kabam planned it. Good thing both chapters in Book 2 were active when TB was released… right?
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    Adevati said:

    Adevati said:

    Adevati said:

    RNG based progression. R3 for TB is silly and discouraging.

    Didn't know we were still pretending TB requirement needs RNG.
    I was 10% away from a T5CC.

    For 3 months, I opened the Cav Exploration 10% nexus crystal. Didn’t get what I needed (btw, probability of that happening is 13.4%). Opened 3 25% from content finishing; didn’t get what I needed (51.2% probability of not getting 1 specific class in 3 tries).

    Farmed every 2%. Opened a bunch. Got down to 4% from highest catalyst.

    By the time SoP rewards hit. I had 3 catalysts higher than 75%. The selectors finally put me over the edge.

    TL;DR - Yes, RNG.
    This is why I can't take anyone saying it needs RNG seriously.

    You're talking about not getting what you wanted from crystals when you can literally ignore every single t5cc crystal and still get a guaranteed t5cc from selectors in content exploration and completion offers and that was even before SOP came and made 125% additional t5cc selectors available.

    You Literally don't need to rely on RNG, your TL;DR should read "I feel like it needs RNG because I chose to ignore the selectors"
    Ah, so not RNG. We just all need to ignore the content requirements Kabam set to complete Act 6, go explore book 2 and stop whining?

    This has been very helpful, thank you. I’m sure that is exactly how Kabam planned it. Good thing both chapters in Book 2 were active when TB was released… right?
    No idea where you got that you should complete act 6 and wait for T5cc. It was never planned that way. The requirements state that you need to do both, not you need to do only act 6 completion and have a R3 champ. It's really not RNG if you try to get every T5cc available in the game possible. If you just get the minimum shards and hope for the best, then yes it is RNG. Even before SOP, getting to TB was becoming easier and after SOP, TB title is a joke. Anyone who has completed act 6 should be TB by now.
    With regards to the quip about Book 2 not being active, you are right. But, Book 1 was active for a very long time. I don't know how many times this has to be said, TB was not aimed at players who crossed the threshold barely. It was made for people who already had several R3 at that point. I agree that it was rng when TB was released. But, you cannot be crying rng ever now when we have several avenues for T5cc.
  • SwarmOfRavensSwarmOfRavens Member Posts: 1,264 ★★★★★
    About the same
    Adevati said:

    Adevati said:

    Adevati said:

    RNG based progression. R3 for TB is silly and discouraging.

    Didn't know we were still pretending TB requirement needs RNG.
    I was 10% away from a T5CC.

    For 3 months, I opened the Cav Exploration 10% nexus crystal. Didn’t get what I needed (btw, probability of that happening is 13.4%). Opened 3 25% from content finishing; didn’t get what I needed (51.2% probability of not getting 1 specific class in 3 tries).

    Farmed every 2%. Opened a bunch. Got down to 4% from highest catalyst.

    By the time SoP rewards hit. I had 3 catalysts higher than 75%. The selectors finally put me over the edge.

    TL;DR - Yes, RNG.
    This is why I can't take anyone saying it needs RNG seriously.

    You're talking about not getting what you wanted from crystals when you can literally ignore every single t5cc crystal and still get a guaranteed t5cc from selectors in content exploration and completion offers and that was even before SOP came and made 125% additional t5cc selectors available.

    You Literally don't need to rely on RNG, your TL;DR should read "I feel like it needs RNG because I chose to ignore the selectors"
    Ah, so not RNG. We just all need to ignore the content requirements Kabam set to complete Act 6, go explore book 2 and stop whining?

    This has been very helpful, thank you. I’m sure that is exactly how Kabam planned it. Good thing both chapters in Book 2 were active when TB was released… right?
    If you want to strictly adhere to complete act 6 as the only content requirement kabam intended then feel free to do so. It was never enough to get TB on its own not even when the title was initially introduced.

    The only ways to form a t5cc when the title was introduced that didn't include lining kabams pockets were abyss and act 6 exploration both of which gave a fully formed t5cc anyway. We've already had it stated the kind of account the title was originally intended for when it was first introduced. If everyone did act 6 completion and nothing else nobody would be thronebreaker.

    If you want to complain about how rank up based progression is bad then do so. If you think catalyst acquisition takes too long then feel free to make it known. Don't complain it requires RNG when it literally does not.

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  • Skiddy212Skiddy212 Member Posts: 1,101 ★★★★
    It was pretty good until the last two weeks. RNG is killing me. SOP nexus was trash, two other 6 stars was trash. I have 20+ 6 stars and domino and she-hulk (who i just can't stand playing) are the only viable options.

    Would like more options for 6 stars. Rank 4's are just arriving i think its time for dual. Happy about mystic, but yeah, motivation for the grind is dying.
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  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★

    The amount of bugs lately, especially in SoP, have killed my interest in the game. I’m also disappointed with the SoP finale—I’m just not having fun with it so I might not even 100% it.
    Part of my growing disinterest in the game stems from real world issues (I’m working on my next two novels, trying to get a completed one picked up, and editing my upcoming book as well as starting school back up next week) but if I’m being honest what’s killing my interest is the game itself. It just stopped being fun lately.

    you write novels?! mind letting me know which one? *uwu*
    The only one I have out right now is The Elites: The Stolen Child, which is about superheroes. It’s sequel should be coming out sometime next year, though I still need to talk with my publisher about it
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