My issues: 1. Arena. I have always been an arena grinder, just for units mostly, but the 6* arena was exciting. Problem is that only 2% of players (if that) have an actual chance of getting the 6*, and maybe 10% have a chance at the 5* (featured arena only). I get it, but it also isn’t great for the game IMO. I’m also just tired of mindlessly playing arena for 2 hours a day to be able to get units without spending money. Yes, I know, “get gud”… take it somewhere else, I am tired of hearing morons say that. 2. The Grind. Take arena out of it, there is so much to do if you want to progress. Daily, repetive side quests most months. A total of 22 paths to explore each month for EQ, and that is just for 1 difficulty. That, on top of AQ and AW limits your roster for more than half the month, so you really do have to grind out the SQ and EQ during alliance event breaks. Sure, having a developed roster makes it easier, but accounts progress so fast now. I have been TB for about 4 months now, and I have exactly 1 r3 champ. I have 2 T5cc waiting for better champs. I understand that r3 champs aren’t needed for these events, but it certainly helps trim the time down requires to complete them. 3. Alliance events. I have always liked AQ, but it is becoming very stale for me. The same fights over and over and over. It is basically like a SQ for me at this point. And you pretty much HAVE to do it to keep advancing. AW is a whole different animal that has the potential to be the best mode in the game, but it is still the same fights over and over every war almost. Korg on Mix Master, Void or Nick on rage etc… I was so happy to see a Champion boss in our last AW instead of Apoc or Doom, and that is just dumb. 4. Of course the bugs. It absolutely destroys my moral when I am cruising along in a quest and all of the sudden I can’t dex, I can’t parry, my champ just stops mid combo and gets destroyed. I know Kabam is working on it, but it is to the point where the game is becoming nearly unplayable at times.
However, this has little to do with the state of the game. And more with me going back to work and to the gym and thus spending less time. When I spend less time on somethings my enthousiasm always goes down. It will get back.
Somewhere in between fantastic and the same. At the very beginning of 2020 I took a break, and didn’t fully start playing again until September/October maybe. This revitalized my enjoyment of the game. I also stopped playing arena (besides the side quest arena), which I would say has also helped. While there has been bugs, every game has had to experience them. I empathize with the people working on them. Since my break, I’ve also become a more causal player, and I think that definitely effects my mood in a more positive way when it comes to this game. I’m still having fun and I have no plans of leaving anytime soon!
If you know who is BrutalDLX, the original Legend of this game, here's his comment to your question. You can start from 1:35.
I have been playing since 5/2015. I know my interest grows and wanes through time, so no big deal. Now it is slightly downhill, but maybe next event and the free stuff Kabam will give us is gonna help me. Or not. Idk.
Waning about the same. Sunk-cost will keep me going if the game maintains status quo.
The times I've burned out have always been alliance related. AQ in particular. I don't mind the daily grind, but I'd prefer playing on my schedule instead of my schedule getting played.
Solo competitive looks like an interesting mixup. Here's hoping they make the game more solo/schedule friendly in the future, glory/progression included.
I'm tired of the bugs but doing Act 7 content which is the most fun I've had in a long time, so I kind of land in the "About the same as before" camp despite feeling very differently toward the game on a daily basis (in both good and bad ways) then I've done in a long while. It just sort of evens out in the end for me.
The past few days my activity has slowed down a lot. I can feel myself losing interest and that’s mainly down to game performance. It kind of hit home with AW season starting last week. Normally I would be excited about new season but first couple of wars I couldn’t have cared less.
AQ I feel like Bill Murray in the movie Groundhog Day,..and participation in my alliance has gone way down. AW is okay but they need to at least shuffle the nodes around. Story content I have never liked with the exception of act 4 which I actually enjoyed the quest / interactions and found enjoyable. EQ is too many paths,..too much energy cost and feels like a chore with the amount of time put in. Objectives can also be annoyingly repetitive, let’s duel vision AOU 20 times with only 5 duel credits a day and after each fight you have to type in and search the target again lol. Got through that one and went on to p2099 which I did the duel 5 times and then said….”Forget this”
What’s the point of trying to explore hard content with all the dex and parry issues? It seriously takes months to fix these? Or is this a permanent fixture we are slowly being fed?
Arenas killed my love for the game. Top 100 too small for the amount of players there are. 140m+ scores are insane. Plus bots n mercs take up the leader board and nothings ever done about it. Love the game, bugs I can live with a few but they need to focus on fixinh them faster. I went from winning every champ at least 1x from the arenas to skipping the last 4 and losing interest fast. Arenas was a fair mode for awhile. Grind and you get a champ. Now its grind and spend and still miss. Either you spend money or time but now we spend both. Prices are way too high for champs now.
I'm good. I never had the bug and my alliance has been busier than ever! Although I am sorry to hear that a lot of you are still suffering complications from the hotfix and beforehand.
Bugs. Blatant lack of testing. Having to play new events cautiously to prevent unknowingly exploiting some bug.
Having to spend 5-10 minutes reading from boss nodes, to incursions nodes, to new champs kits, to buffed champs new kits.
Having to spend 30 minutes understanding every new monthly event.
RNG based progression. R3 for TB is silly and discouraging.
Finally clearing some difficult content that may or may not have cost units and then opening your reward to get the only T5CC you don’t need and duping your sentry.
Game is fun, even with all the bugs. They’re doing their best. But forums lately are being run by tyrants, majority of interactive post as this one will eventually be taken down. I had it happen to me quite a few times. It’s like they don’t want us to discuss anything that might violate their feelings, not forum rules. So 🤞 good luck with this one.
It’s just boring for me, no offense but people like BG worked it into my head that “oh you need to check out the INSANE rewards” or “that new competitive mode is hopefully gonna be awesome,” so I hung around even though I didn’t enjoy the game. Then sometime in July I realized that this is a game, it’s not some job, investment, or something I can learn from, and if the whole point of a game (in my point of view) is to have fun then why would I ever devote my time to something I’m not having fun playing. My energy sits at 70 every day, catalysts and ISO expire by the hundreds every week, and I’m missing so many great rewards, but the world moves on and I’m moving on. I do have to say that SoP was decent, it’s like my “going away party” and while it’s super challenging it’s super easy to practice and be able to overcome the challenge.
Btw my comment here does not mean I believe no one else can have fun, it’s just that I’ve played the game since like December, 25 2017 and I’ve done a lot of the stuff to do in MCOC
The game is just becoming too much of grind these days…
I’ll still play regardless but I have definitely cut my playing time down a lot
1. Arena. I have always been an arena grinder, just for units mostly, but the 6* arena was exciting. Problem is that only 2% of players (if that) have an actual chance of getting the 6*, and maybe 10% have a chance at the 5* (featured arena only). I get it, but it also isn’t great for the game IMO. I’m also just tired of mindlessly playing arena for 2 hours a day to be able to get units without spending money. Yes, I know, “get gud”… take it somewhere else, I am tired of hearing morons say that.
2. The Grind. Take arena out of it, there is so much to do if you want to progress. Daily, repetive side quests most months. A total of 22 paths to explore each month for EQ, and that is just for 1 difficulty. That, on top of AQ and AW limits your roster for more than half the month, so you really do have to grind out the SQ and EQ during alliance event breaks. Sure, having a developed roster makes it easier, but accounts progress so fast now. I have been TB for about 4 months now, and I have exactly 1 r3 champ. I have 2 T5cc waiting for better champs. I understand that r3 champs aren’t needed for these events, but it certainly helps trim the time down requires to complete them.
3. Alliance events. I have always liked AQ, but it is becoming very stale for me. The same fights over and over and over. It is basically like a SQ for me at this point. And you pretty much HAVE to do it to keep advancing. AW is a whole different animal that has the potential to be the best mode in the game, but it is still the same fights over and over every war almost. Korg on Mix Master, Void or Nick on rage etc… I was so happy to see a Champion boss in our last AW instead of Apoc or Doom, and that is just dumb.
4. Of course the bugs. It absolutely destroys my moral when I am cruising along in a quest and all of the sudden I can’t dex, I can’t parry, my champ just stops mid combo and gets destroyed. I know Kabam is working on it, but it is to the point where the game is becoming nearly unplayable at times.
At the very beginning of 2020 I took a break, and didn’t fully start playing again until September/October maybe. This revitalized my enjoyment of the game. I also stopped playing arena (besides the side quest arena), which I would say has also helped. While there has been bugs, every game has had to experience them. I empathize with the people working on them. Since my break, I’ve also become a more causal player, and I think that definitely effects my mood in a more positive way when it comes to this game.
I’m still having fun and I have no plans of leaving anytime soon!
Once a day log in.
My main enthusiasm is BUFFS
The times I've burned out have always been alliance related. AQ in particular. I don't mind the daily grind, but I'd prefer playing on my schedule instead of my schedule getting played.
Solo competitive looks like an interesting mixup. Here's hoping they make the game more solo/schedule friendly in the future, glory/progression included.
I can feel myself losing interest and that’s mainly down to game performance.
It kind of hit home with AW season starting last week. Normally I would be excited about new season but first couple of wars I couldn’t have cared less.
I explored all story content, variants and lol. I’m waiting bugs be fixed before abyss exploration
Having to spend 5-10 minutes reading from boss nodes, to incursions nodes, to new champs kits, to buffed champs new kits.
Having to spend 30 minutes understanding every new monthly event.
RNG based progression. R3 for TB is silly and discouraging.
Finally clearing some difficult content that may or may not have cost units and then opening your reward to get the only T5CC you don’t need and duping your sentry.