Getting ready to take on act 6. How do I conquer life cycle? Are there any champs that shut it down?
No. But here are some helpful tips: 1) Knock the opponent down as much as you can at the start of the fight, to increase the KO window as you get near to finishing them off. 2) Use DoT champs to help knock out opponents when the AI goes passive.
Life cycle is overhyped, all you need to do is just get the opponent down to low(like 4-5%) health and heavy. When the lifecycle shield goes in cooldown immediately do sp3. So easy kill. I took down the lifecycle chapter in 6.2.1 in 10 minutes easily itemless. Just to heavy and sp3 trick.
Champions who’s playstyle revolves around parry heavying or throwing lots of specials are really good for lifecycle because they make the timer longer. Also heal block or ability accuracy reduction champions are good for it too. Anyone can work but these champions work best.
1) Knock the opponent down as much as you can at the start of the fight, to increase the KO window as you get near to finishing them off.
2) Use DoT champs to help knock out opponents when the AI goes passive.
A good tip for life cycle: get to a Sp3, save it, when the opponent is low on health, knock them down and then throw the Sp3