Celebrations Arenas [Title edited for clarity]

1000+ fights for 5k 6 star shards as a "celebration"?
That's about 4 hours of grinding each day (5 if you wanna do 5 star arena, more if you wanna do the halls and the side quest arena thingy)
I would've loved the arena if it was for the whole month. Having nothing for 24 days and then bombarded with everything in a week..meh. I'll sit this one out I guess.
That's about 4 hours of grinding each day (5 if you wanna do 5 star arena, more if you wanna do the halls and the side quest arena thingy)
I would've loved the arena if it was for the whole month. Having nothing for 24 days and then bombarded with everything in a week..meh. I'll sit this one out I guess.
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
I'll just hope this is a mistake until a mod confirms its working as intended.
I'll probably get through the arena just enough to top off the shards in inventory at the moment and get a few of the collector crystals
I would personally still not do it.
1000 fights a week
142 a day.
If you take 1.5 minutes for each fight (counting all the buttons you have to press, team you make and everything) that comes at around 214ish minutes, or 3.5 hours. Obviously, not taking in the time for cooldown.
I actually enjoy using my 2 star roster from time to time but this is just too much of a grind.
I just timed myself, it took me 1 min 30 seconds to complete a round from character select to character select.
"Why you rank up champs you don't use? Learn resource management"
/Doesn't rank up champs I don't use/
"Yeah that's what happens when people stop ranking 2 stars"
I can understand that this celebration arena does suck for anyone that doesn't like arena. It's still a chore to get 4 million points.
And you kind of penalized for doing this arena from a battle chip boost perspective. If this arena takes time away from the other arenas you are getting 12 BC per round rather than 36.