Buffed bishop counter 7.2.2

Who is a good counter for bishop in 7.2.2 on mystic wrath path
You can’t nullify his buff otherwise I will get burst of damage that kills r3 champ immediately.
I don’t know why he also keeps throu if incentrate when bellow two bad of power. Can’t find it in his description. Any idea ?
Who is a good counter for bishop in 7.2.2 on mystic wrath path
You can’t nullify his buff otherwise I will get burst of damage that kills r3 champ immediately.
I don’t know why he also keeps throu if incentrate when bellow two bad of power. Can’t find it in his description. Any idea ?
Post edited by Kabam Habanero on
If you do bring in a mystic, I think Tigra can be a good counter. She can easily avoid his special attacks and deal physical damage as opposed to a lot of other mystic champions.
Claire could be an option but it's risky since she deals energy damage, especially in her incinerate mode. I don't know if his prowess counts as buffs that can be nullified (in which case she's a terrible option) or if it's just the prowess buffs he gains whenever he's above 2 bars of powers that can be nullified. If it's the latter, just don't ever let him reach 2 bars of power and you should be good.
Almost all mystics cannot be used except if they don’t nullify buffs.
I tried Dr vodoo with avoiding sp1, but he kills me with incinerate damage. I cannot find in his description essay the reason for this to plan for it. Any idea why I got incinerate while he is still under two bars of power.
Not sure about incinerate Damage and how to avoid.
The reason you take incinerate damage after his SP1 is that it activates Steady Release in him, which kind of gives him an aura that incinerates you if you're within it. The more prowess he has when he uses his SP1, the longer duration Steady Release has. Just stun him and back away, is my advice.
-incinerate immune is functioning as a purify, purified debuffs cause energy damage.
-if he only does sp1, he does steady release and gets aggressive. You get incinerate and die, or if immune you get energy damage and die.
-sp2 has too much prowess and cannot be blocked enough to survive
Fails so far:
og Vision (chip damage kills vision. Maybe try intercept?.),
ultron 5/65 200,
doom (duped and unduped),
clair (tried incinerate immune mode),
Sym sup
Don’t have a viable Tigra or Dormammu or Magik
Next up: intercept a lot with vision, doc oc
1) no incinerate immunity
2) great power control or evade sp2
3) great damage
5/65 200 and getting destroyed.
Incinerate immunity not acting as a purify now.
Thanks everyone for your help.