A idea to make true focus viable

Basically a cool down period for evade and miss about around 3 second quaking would not work and ghost would be awkward to play while other characters can still somewhat work.
I don't play summer of pain so I really don't care ether way.
I don't play summer of pain so I really don't care ether way.
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
We all know true focus is intended for quake and ghost.
The only thing not specifically addressing them accomplishes is making many other champs worse and having to overtune new miss champs to work around true focus
The community would flip out because they would be specifically targeting them, people would be asking for compensation due to them ranking these characters for this content
See how the logic doesn’t hold up? Just because Kabam do something doesn’t make what they do automatically the right call.
True Focus: Female Science and Tech champs beginning with either the letter Q or G cannot evade or miss
Problem solved.
Ghost and quake, sure, I don’t give a flying donut if they get checked by an ability change. That’s Kabams intention that they’ve stated. But changing the game for a fair few other champions when that’s not Kabams intention is sloppy design.
I want to use these champs because of their unique playstyle and not those with basic champs who you only need to intercept or parry/heavy.
People would RATHER have Ghost and Quake changed, than have True Focus neuter champs that are affected by either miss or evade mechanics. People would RATHER have those Swiss army knives changed, than have a sweeping node.
And you’re missing the point, nobody is saying don’t counter ghost and quake. You know that right? Or are you managing to miss the point
People are literally agreeing with you that Swiss Army knives like ghost and quake are bad for the game. So counter them!
If you’re describing Elsa, negative, tigra, stryfe, prof X as Swiss Army knives then you’re grasp on the game is slipping
Lmao imagine thinking so much of yourself that you know better than the actual reasons Kabam give. I actually can’t with you
The self importance is baffling
What does a “couple” mean to you?