Buffed Gamora - thoughts

I have tried out Gamora and I feel like she is a bit ofa Ebony Maw - the buff still isn't it (ftr I like Maw after last buff). Her damage has gone up nicely, she has some more utility, great synergies, but she is still kinda stressful to play imo. Her buffs last 14.4 seconds tops (17.3 w synergy) and then you need to throw heavy. It is kinda like NT, Prof X or Apoc, just...worse, bcs you need to ramp up + play 40 seconds + bring in synergy for this all.
What are your thoughts? Am I just so blind, or is she kinda underwhelming?
What are your thoughts? Am I just so blind, or is she kinda underwhelming?
She's always done this.
Tell me, when you admit we’re right will you wonder how we could possibly have known?
Remind me in 2 months. I look forward to see how you backtrack
You keep saying "Wait and test" When her new abilities have never been what I had concerns about. I had concerns about her base kit, which has remained the same.
Do you understand that as a concept? Or do you have to keep ignoring people's points to see yourself as right?
I'm reserving my own judgment on her and what it helps.
I’m genuinely saying if you find some uses for her miss counter, please let me know. And I can’t wait to see gameplay that shows it working. Because right now, with my testing (trying to get to 10 buffs while dealing with miss any sort of miss) it absolutely does not work.
So if you find a way to make it work when it doesn’t take 70 odd hits, genuinely please let me know. I’m just a tag away.