Can we please see a decrease of difficulty in the Shang Chi SQ???

Hey! Look I'm not whining, or complaining. Just expressing my discontent with this month's SQ. I am newly Cav, just hit 500K, and am fairly new to the game. I don't have the biggest roster or the deepest pockets and would love to see my first T5cc (which I would be able to get after exploration of this month's SQ). I have 100% the entire first chapter with ease but the dramatic increase of difficulty in the second chapter is outrageous. SoP had bosses showcasing 700K health pools with moderately difficult nodes and seemingly challenging bosses. But this is a whole new level. A path of 5 champs (6 including the boss) each posing 600K health pools, sure you can take in multiple champs to take the path but honestly, the nodes are hell. And accumulated rewards from SoP totalled up to be much better than this quest. I and many others I am sure are going to hate this month since all we will be able to get is a 5* crystal, which I will certainly enjoy 🙄, whilst whales and huge accounts enjoy 20% of a T5cc, as well as 15k 6* shards. Please can we see a nerf, even if it is the nodes being changed so we can more easily and conveniently get the rewards needed from this quest? Thank you. I appreciate the generosity involved in giving 15K 6* shards and a T5cc selector in this months SQ but I don't really like the bar being set so high for the accounts who will be able to do this content. I was watching good old Seatin just earlier today and the exploration of the quest took him an hour and a half and roughly half a dozen revives with the majority of his team being R3 6*s. Please can we see a decrease in difficulty... Please?
Post edited by Kabam Ahab on
In less than 12 hours, you 100%ed the part designed for you, and you got a 5-star plus other resources. Stop it.
Unless you got units and resources to burn through.
Also, between UC and Cav difficulties in just MEQ's, you can get 1 6* a month now.
Aegon 5* R5
Corvus 6* R1
Proxima not ranked
Immortal hulk 6* R3
Diablo 6* R3