True Focus - Thoughts?

We’ve been seeing true focus as a node for every challenging piece of content for the last few months. It feels like this is a node that will be baked into bosses and other content going forward. Is this a soft nerf to ghost/quake/tigra? Is this trying to shift the meta towards new characters with non-evade/miss “dodge” mechanics? Want to hear what others think and how you’re feeling.
That being said, I think True Focus is a hammer when the problem requires a scalpel. True Focus just hurts too many other champions who are not overpowered in the same way. Tigra, Silver Surfer, Invisible Woman, Hood, Elsa, Prof. X, Spider-Ham, Miles Morales, BWDO, hell, even Super Skrull and so many other champions have their utility cut dramatically by True Focus.
There’s got to be a better way. Honestly, I wouldn’t be mad if Kabam just straight up put a “you cannot use Ghost/Quake in this quest/on this path” gate. If it lets them create fun, engaging content without having to plan around those champions, I’m okay with it.
I personally don't have any feelings of hatred for this node, as I have other champions I can use. Kabam has gotten a lot of hate for saying that 4 or five out of the 200 or so number of champions can't work well. I personally don't understand the logic of this. (Unless the said quake or ghost is your only r5)
Also, making a "cannot use quake or ghost here" gate or something literally makes you plan around using those people.
I know this is a hot take, but I would honestly be fine if Kabam 'fixed' Quake to work how her abilities state she should work; she can ONLY evade against basic attacks from opponents suffering from Concussion. Maybe bump up her aftershock damage more if she gets over 10 to compensate... but it'd let Kabam not have to hurt the same champs every time they want to counter Quake.
Spider-Ham has a taunt off his evade. Silver Surfer phases while using his heavy to maintain his buffs. Miss and Evade aren’t ancillary pieces of utility. They provide huge benefits to most of the champions who utilize them, if played correctly. The ubiquity of true focus will bring a lot of them down in a meaningful way.
My opinions remain unchanged. Nodes made to blatantly counter certain champs should just blatantly counter those champs.
Queen Counter: While facing Ghost or Quake, defenders gain a permanent passive True Focus.
Similar nodes could be made for other champs that cheese certain nodes/fights. Kinda like The Champion's "Champion of the Universe" effect.
I don't mind True Focus when a challenge is based around forcing you to dex a special or whatever, but use it too much and every miss/evade champ loses a ton of its value.
Tigra is probably my favorite example, but Miles is probably the best. New buff, amazing unblockable counter... it's basically his main value as a rankup, but why rank when he won't be able to use it in any fight that counts?
It’s super cheesy 🤣