Sp3 attacks dealing no damage in the mutant quest of Cav EQ

Last night I was going through a few lanes of the mutant quest and every once in awhile, my sp3’s would deal zero damage. I can’t recall any specific instance, and I don’t have a video to post, but it happened two or three times using different attackers vs various defenders. Anyone else having this issue?
Also, if there were any notable nodes.
Eq 3.1. Cav dif.
Some sp3 work as usual some dond do any dmg.
I have huawei p20
First sp3 fail was against tile 20 fighting Moon Knight Guillotine 2099 should've instant killed bc opponent was < 5% instead did 0 damage.
Same run tile 25 fighting DD Cosmic Ghost Rider sp3 did 0 damage.