Buffs and how it is affecting permanent content

JaballyJabally Member Posts: 61
I’m sure everyone has had this affect them somehow in permanent content. Some buffs make fights easier, where as a majority of buffs usually make fights harder. I don’t believe Kabam should change all of the quests involving these buffed characters back to the original state, however there are some quests that have gotten to a ridiculous point such as some of the variants, an example being bishop in variant 6.3.2 and 5.1.1. Hulkbuster went from easy act 5 fight, too needing a shock immune and or debuff shrugger/armour breaker. Again, I think things like the hulkbuster buff should be in some quests, but just carefully thought out about how hard it may be- and idea might be to switch out a certain buffed champion for a different one as opposed to the prebuff


  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,124 ★★★★★
    Considering the issues that are currently persisting in game, I have a feeling that if we try and have separate standards or separate versions of the characters in content, it's only going to make the issues worse. As much as I hate to say it when it comes to the Champions I think it's an all-or-nothing situation especially in terms of who you're facing off against.
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    We all want bad champs to be made "god tier" until we have to face them in AW.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,454 Guardian
    Jabally said:

    I’m sure everyone has had this affect them somehow in permanent content. Some buffs make fights easier, where as a majority of buffs usually make fights harder.

    Nope. My perception is most buffs make content easier, and only a few make content harder, because the majority of buffs benefit offense much more than defense.

    Only for the players with the strongest rosters do buffs sometimes appear to make content harder, because all defensive buffs make the content harder while none of the offensive buffs help their roster - because they already have answers to everything. But I'm not particularly worried about those players, nor should the game be.
  • _hbtygbty423__hbtygbty423_ Member Posts: 563 ★★
    wait what is this meant to be im kinda confused
  • _hbtygbty423__hbtygbty423_ Member Posts: 563 ★★
    if kabam buff champions though i guess its still overall good and although it might make content harder thats just what it is, its much better than having that champion be straight garbage but easy to fight than making them harder to fight but very good, buffs are a good things for the utmost...
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,454 Guardian

    Considering the issues that are currently persisting in game, I have a feeling that if we try and have separate standards or separate versions of the characters in content, it's only going to make the issues worse. As much as I hate to say it when it comes to the Champions I think it's an all-or-nothing situation especially in terms of who you're facing off against.

    Technically, the aforementioned Hulkbuster actually has two versions in the game: the version where we play the champ on offense and the version where we fight him on defense. The devs did in fact think carefully about how to make the champ slightly better on defense and much better on offense without throwing the entire kitchen sink at the players when they faced Hulkbuster in content. But they gave players several ways to counter HB's shock (the one he applies when hit), in keeping with how higher tier content works these days, a lot more than the OP mentions actually.

    You can use armor breaks - which plays somewhat into cosmic having class advantage over HB. You can use nullifies to remove the armor up buffs. You can use a buff-blocker like Claire. You can use a champ that is either immune to shock or takes no damage from shock. You can use a champion that can shrug off or otherwise remove the shock debuffs. You can use champions that do not crit. You can use champions that reduce ability accuracy or possess defensive ability accuracy debuffs. Even ignoring corner cases (like Hercules in immortal phase or Corvus with charges) there are a lot of counters to HB. Enough to make it interesting, but not so much to make HB completely uninteresting.
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