Game has become a lot more grindy and is starting to become a problem...

Kabam is moving towards making the game more grindy, first by removing summoner appreciation calendar and replacing it with "Oh you forgot to defeat 10 champions today? sorry, you just lost 1 day worth of rewards. oh you are not paying for the premium package? now you'll get less 6* and 5* shards than you would have gotten from the calendar itself if we still kept it."
They are slowly making it so that the game becomes a MMORPG levels of grindy. Now they are adding these grindy objectives as well.
also apparently you have to finish at least one difficulty of objectives in September TO EVEN HAVE ACCESS TO OCTOBER SIDE EVENT. while some argue that October might have the spiciest rewards this year, I don't think that's worth it for having to skip September.
They are slowly making it so that the game becomes a MMORPG levels of grindy. Now they are adding these grindy objectives as well.
also apparently you have to finish at least one difficulty of objectives in September TO EVEN HAVE ACCESS TO OCTOBER SIDE EVENT. while some argue that October might have the spiciest rewards this year, I don't think that's worth it for having to skip September.
Agree on point that for two months combined, rewards are okish, nothing extraordinary.
On top of that, buffs like Gamora doesn't help the game at all. Also, I would like to see buff of og avengers and dr. Strange, who are more popular characters.
And what about that 1 time quest stuff?
Will you enter the higher difficulty by completing lower difficulty objectives this month?
Grind: That said, MCoC has always been overly time-consuming and grindy, imo. It's just that the fighting (what I'm here for) was fun enough for me to deal with it.
Wish: There could definitely be more QoL time-saving features for MCoC. It's not like keeping my in-game-time up is gonna make me spend more. It's already made me take months off, honestly.
Expectation: Noise around the objectives has been made, which is important and great. Kabam tends to take community strife somewhat seriously, so I expect them to make the objectives less grindy. Kabam makes nothing from gating this stuff behind any amount of grind; they could just be 1 fight each and the game economy wouldn't be noticeably affected.
Grind should only be used to limit high-volume resource gain, imo. Like the arena, for example.
Even though a large number of people came to tell them they hate it, those same people still are doing all of the objectives.
If everyone's willpower is weaker than their addiction to rewards, the game team has won. They have no reason to listen or care about player opinions.
( I hope that all of you were talking about those objectives and not the one where you have to use Shang Chi in fights. If so, my bad; and I agree with the objective being an absolute waste of time.)
Same w the 6.2 and beyond - it has no real purpose. Rewards are bs low and what will it get me, one quest exploration? Let's say I focus on 7.1.4. Great, one explored quest for units I saved for 7.3.
The long term goal here is october event but judging by the looks of it so far, the effort:reward ratio is extremely unfavorable