Good team for Act4 completion

Hey I'm having some difficulty in act 4. I finished 4.1.1 but took some potions, and I can get through 4.1.2 to the boss like cake, practically all health on everyone intact and then ant-man wrecks me. So I'm just looking for some advice on what team I should set up between the options I have....
4* Hood rank 3 30/30
4* Ms. Marvel (hot one) rank 3 30/30
3* Crossbones maxed out w/ special
3* Nightcrawler maxed
3* Dr. Strange maxed w/ special
3* Scarlet Witch maxed w/ special
3* Quake maxed w/ special
3* Symbiote Spidey maxed w/ special
Or should I level up one of these 3*s
War Machine
Moon knight
Deadpool xforce
Red hulk
Yellow jacket
Joe fix it
Thanks guys.
4* Hood rank 3 30/30
4* Ms. Marvel (hot one) rank 3 30/30
3* Crossbones maxed out w/ special
3* Nightcrawler maxed
3* Dr. Strange maxed w/ special
3* Scarlet Witch maxed w/ special
3* Quake maxed w/ special
3* Symbiote Spidey maxed w/ special
Or should I level up one of these 3*s
War Machine
Moon knight
Deadpool xforce
Red hulk
Yellow jacket
Joe fix it
Thanks guys.
It may be helpful for you.
where are you getting that information?!
You can complete act 4 with a team of 2/20 4* or maxed 3*. It's really not hard, you just need parry & dexterity.
I know you can but its an easy cruise if you go with 3/30 4*. Indeed with party & dexterity. All i'm saying it's so much simpler to do in this situation if you're an average player.
Subjectively, assuming you got tons of balls and skill to get completion on act 4 you should go with a couple Regen champs, the best you have is Scarlet witch. The hood is an awesome option in that he'll stagger positive buffs from the opponent in the chaos/double down chapters. But there's tons of fun you gotta deal with. At least 2 fights with a 16k+ Juggernaut, a magneto with thorns, and a stun immune black widow. Entire paths that cause constant degen and other negative buffs. What you have is going to cost you a lot of heals revives. I would wait and go in with a few more 4*s. It's cheaper. Spend time grinding in the arena.
To the OP, Rank up your Guillotine. You'll need her health reversal SP2 for the Magneto regen node in 4.2. X23 is another one to rank up because her regen is very helpful getting through the longer quests. You have a solid foundation of ranked up champs as is, but the addition of Guilly and X23 will make it better.
Yes. Is it just me or was that Juggernaut the hardest thing in Act4. For me it was.
I handled the Magneto with sick regen first time with Scarlet.
Juggs hurt me tho I admit.
This is true for you OP. Given his technical level at the game (understanding dupe for starters) and the mostly 3* roster you will not get through it without potion and revives.
Also, what are your masteries? Those can make a huge difference as well.
Can you evade specials? DO you have dexterity and parry masteries and know how to use them?
What is your highest single combo in a fight? If not over a 150-something you won't get far with 3 stars later in act 4.
First chapter or two you may be fine but 3 and 4 will prove MUCH more difficult with the node buffs.
The maps are LOOOOOOOOOOONG and you have to be able to go the distance.
Are you finishing Master quest events? That would be a good indicator I think.