It seems that only players with champs over 4.5k get rewarded

Why is that higher players get rewarded and lower players don’t? All the good rewards are for much higher rated players while the other players get nothing. Just bits and pieces. I think it’s a bit unfair really just my opinion.
The players that have been around or who spend to level up faster should be more rewarded than those that don’t. If you have put in equal time, effort and money as those who have higher champs then you would have a leg to stand on. The thing is that if you had your champs would be at that level too. You shouldn’t get something just because someone else gets it without equal input.
if every quest was as easy as the monthly heroic mode, what's the point of playing anymore?
christ almighty, i've changed somebody's opinion on the internet.
i'll be waiting for my nobel peace prize award.
Eventhough I'm just 24, I think I now know how does older adults think of youngsters that are just lazy and complaining.
Let's put more efforts in the game if you wanna have a better roster. For some, time is not their forte so they spend in the game and that's ok. For significantly large portion of players, money is not their choice so time is now their currency in the game. Spend your time playing the game and you should have a better account soon.
Be smart in ranking up is what I'll advice if you wanna progress further in the game.
If we all were millionaires, a Big Mac would cost $11,000.
New players should be focusing on the content they already have in front of them that still needs finished, those are the rewards they need for their current state in the game. Players who have been around for a while no longer have any content left, so this event is all they have.
New players will also see more events that are targeted to seasoned players. While you may want the rewards, you don't need them. Seasoned players are at a point where they do in fact need those rewards. Next months event will more than likely have t4cc as a reward. Those are not something that a new player should be focusing on since they are not needed to progress through the easier content.
Just keep pushing through old content and in no time you all will be up to speed to handle new events. Just remember, when you're able to handle these events you will understand whats been said to you and will say the same thing to new players expecting to earn the same as you. Events come and go, when you're ready for them they will be there.
@Azza76 The lower players do get rewarded, that is why there are Beginner and Normal Quests. Summoner and 3* Featured arenas. Just because the higher players technically could participate, it doesn't mean that they do. It is not worth their time relative to the rewards they receive there to do them. For lower rated players, it makes sense.
I started by grinding out 3* Featured until I had enough to grind for 4* Basics. It is all about building your roster over time.
The less developed level get more than when we were at that level, as far as higher players getting more it's a progressional thing when you get to the same level you will get the same rewards but you will also appreciate that what looks like better is actually comparable to what you need now at your level. It's just time and effort. It does amaze me how fast new players can progress now compared to at the start but they still think they will be able and should be able to do what others who have invested and developed over a longer period are able to.
I personally don't see the logic with all the pandering to the top players and whales etc. There are probably approx 50K of them that spend a fortune, can see that. But how many millions a year (literally) of the lower and newer players quit the game? If the player base doesn't keep growing then the game will slowly die and what will the top players do then? And Kabam will lose this income
Plus, 50K spending 5K a year is a lot. But an extra 20 million new players spending just £50 a year each is a lot more! And they will grow and stay with the game and spend even more
I am very Pro-Kabam as you will see from my post (they do a GREAT job) but this business plan doesnt make sense at all? The only logic I can see is a plan to milk the top players for as long as they can with new star characters and better rewards for them etc, and watch the total number of players drop until it is so low they move onto the next game
Really really hope I am wrong
I can get the "you're not strong for that quest (and rewards)" "if you want those rewards you should invest time/effort/life progressing as evey other neet did", but once someone have done it some bus are gone, forever.
For example, op and many like him cannot do the 6* quest, but maybe the next year they're ready but they'll have no chance. For example, I would like try the Chloe quests, but it's gone.
Of course, people that already did it couldn't get double rewards.
No to mention that the current 6* quest give you nothing except if you finish it. Even no a **** reward according to your advance. Right?.
you grossly overestimate how many players play this game.
when the rocket bomb came out, the stats of those who pushed vs didn't push added up to something like 150k players (i think). and while that may not be a super accurate number, i doubt there there are close to even 1 million that play, let alone "millions a year" that quit this game.
Easy to find these figures, and they are legit