AW Potions And Boost As Compensation Rewards



  • Yale007Yale007 Member Posts: 39
    Glory, energy, revives would be appreciated.

    We’re sticking with the game when it’s largely broken.

    I don’t need AW assistance during off season.

    also boosts aren’t a suitable replacement for the issue.

    I need compensation for your bugs costing my alliance gold 3 with all the lag, stuttering and shutdowns during AW fights and arena being a hot mess.

    Glory, catalysts, shards, revives energy are what I’m losing because of the myriad of issues we’re dealing with. Literally every mode of this game is broken. What good are boosts when the game shuts down midfight?
  • Avenger_A1Avenger_A1 Member Posts: 408
    edited September 2021
    Why is Kabam only sending AW and AQ items? As if story quests, event quests, and incursions don't have these issues? They've also very noticably removed the glory rewards from the last few packages.

    I have five such packages left in my stash to prevent overflow, and it's so disappointing when I have to sell most of the expiring "compensation" for a measly amount of gold.

    Meanwhile, they keep dumping more challenging content, and extremely time consuming and annoying solo objectives into the game. Awful way to mitigate the player base as well as the servers/game-engine.

    And to top it all, issues are as bad (maybe even worse) across all content. All this makes me seriously doubt their direction. It's taken so much fun out of the game that I hardly play 20% of how much I used to play earlier.
  • Awais123Awais123 Member Posts: 1
    Kaks0053 said:

    Why Kabaam keep on giving the same set of AW potions and boost as compensation rewards. I am unable to use all these boost and many of them are in my overflow expiring.
    Please give us meaningful compensation as 5,6* shards.

    Yeah same. At least give us Normal revives instead of AW and AQ revives and potions. How are we supposed to utilize them? They are all expiring. Give us T5 cc selectors, 5*,6* shards or normal revives and potions. This behaviour from Kabam is not acceptable at all. And those who are saying that these are free potions is not true. Game is costing us revives and health potions and a lot of units. Give us better compensations like the 6* nexus one. This isn't good at all...
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,882 ★★★★★
    Idk why 5-6* shards, I myself do not recall any loss in that direction, but some pots and revives wiuld come in handy, because those I actually lost due to the gameplay issues
  • Pratham02Pratham02 Member Posts: 281 ★★
    edited September 2021
    Jaded said:

    Odachi said:

    Or just normal revives and potions, i cant tell you the amount of units ive spent on parry and lag issues during 7.2 exploration, its horrible. But eh, ive stopped complaining, if this goes on for another month without the appropriate compensation that a lot of players need then i'll simply leave this game, very simply.

    100% this, these compensation packs we've been give are to encourage us to do normal AQ and AW because they acknowledge their game isn't working as it should. So, we are just supposed to not do any story mode or abyss etc? What about players who get wiped in cav event quest because they miss a combo? Can hardly say its because of the unit values, those are huge AW pots and they cost a ton of units to buy.
    Well normal questing is a choice, typically most people are in alliances and they make requirements to run aq/aw. So they are taking some of that stress away by giving us aw/aq assistance.

    If they gave me revives for normal questing they’d go into overflow as well and nothing to use them on. So there are two sides to the coin here.
    That's a hilarious take. If the bugs lasted a month then yes, questing would be optional. But this is the third month of these issues being in the game. I understand some people have most stuff explored and just play the game for aq/aw, but you've also got the fact that these people are very rare when compared to the rest of the playerbase.
    Edit: read what you said later and I think it was a misunderstanding or just had different intentions.
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  • NukeNuke Member Posts: 94
    Especially when they want us to re-do Story. Give us regular revives and health. Simple.
  • Yale007Yale007 Member Posts: 39
    Kerneas said:

    Idk why 5-6* shards, I myself do not recall any loss in that direction, but some pots and revives wiuld come in handy, because those I actually lost due to the gameplay issues

    Look at the difference In rewards for war season between gold 3 and silver 1. That’s why shards.

  • Kaks0053Kaks0053 Member Posts: 83

  • Kaks0053Kaks0053 Member Posts: 83
    And I still have unclaimed rewards from previous week's because guess what they too will be going to expire. That's what I'm talking about please stop giving AW/AQ potions as compensation rewards. They are no use for most of us ftp player's.
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    Kaks0053 said:

    And I still have unclaimed rewards from previous week's because guess what they too will be going to expire. That's what I'm talking about please stop giving AW/AQ potions as compensation rewards. They are no use for most of us ftp player's.

    So people that need them should be ignored and left to not get the assistance packages?
  • KnightZeroKnightZero Member Posts: 1,466 ★★★★★
    Kaks0053 said:

    And I still have unclaimed rewards from previous week's because guess what they too will be going to expire. That's what I'm talking about please stop giving AW/AQ potions as compensation rewards. They are no use for most of us ftp player's.

    I agree that general revives and pots are due. People definitely need them.
    Doesn't mean they should stop AQ/AW compensation. People doing war and Map 6/7 and sometimes even Map 5 can need the potions if they face the bugs. Why should they be screwed out of the assistance because it's expiring for you?
  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★
    Kabam need to send out solo compensation. That doesn't mean they should stop sending out alliance assisstance.
  • Kaks0053Kaks0053 Member Posts: 83
    I'm just telling to stop sending the same "SET" of compensation rewards everytime . Send something else instead. Map7 crystals (No use). Aq/Aw potions (They do send it every week now . To which I'm totally fine).

    However , if they send these rewards as Compensation Rewards since and a player like me who is unable to use previous potions will eventually be pissed seeing the same MAP7 crystals as compensation.
  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★
    Kaks0053 said:

    I'm just telling to stop sending the same "SET" of compensation rewards everytime . Send something else instead. Map7 crystals (No use). Aq/Aw potions (They do send it every week now . To which I'm totally fine).

    However , if they send these rewards as Compensation Rewards since and a player like me who is unable to use previous potions will eventually be pissed seeing the same MAP7 crystals as compensation.

    They are of no use to you but they are of use to others. Stop complaining that they are sending too much of the same set. They absolutely should send compensation for other content but they shouldn't stop it for aq and aw.
  • Kaks0053Kaks0053 Member Posts: 83
    I consider your point as well. They already send this rewards on weekly basis. My concern is what about the pool of players of plays Map1-5 or even 6 where they are unable to use these rewards.

    And they are sending the same rewards tagged as "COMPENSATION" . What about those who really don't use these and getting the same set of rewards for the game not working.

    So, you need to consider both of the sides and send something else for "COMPENSATION" instead of these.
  • Kaks0053Kaks0053 Member Posts: 83
    I'm not commenting on this post anymore , everyone is entitled to his/her own personal opinion and we should be fine with it
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    Kaks0053 said:

    I consider your point as well. They already send this rewards on weekly basis. My concern is what about the pool of players of plays Map1-5 or even 6 where they are unable to use these rewards.

    And they are sending the same rewards tagged as "COMPENSATION" . What about those who really don't use these and getting the same set of rewards for the game not working.

    So, you need to consider both of the sides and send something else for "COMPENSATION" instead of these.

    These are the last two in game messages we received. No where does it say “compensation”, it does say “assist”.

    As it was said before, they should send out packages for all areas of the game. But they shouldn’t stop sending out assistance because people have items expiring. Not everyone is in the same boat. I’ve been saying this, there are more sides to consider then just one.
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