Incinerate immunity

Ok Kabam, why isn't Ghost Rider immune to fire/burn!?!?!? He is on fire for Christ sake. I'm sure this has been brought up before ever since he first came out. There are other champs that should have immunity the incinerate as well. Can you please put this into the game soon? Thank You! Love, your community
I do have to admit that they need some more immunities for incineration though, Iceman and Mephisto is all we got.
Since everyone’s against GR and Dorm, what about Phoenix and Red-Hulk? Making RH immune to incinerate might buff him up enough to at least be on par with regular Hulk, Cap WW2 and Quake, helping out the weakest class in the game.
You are right, im going to be the one that explains this in every thread i see.
There is a difference between Hell fire and Earth fire, one burns the soul and the other physically burns things
I used to explain this constantly, but I believe I've become immune to incinerate immunity insinuations.
lol, these players are Ghost Rider scrubs
So why isn't Ghost Rider immune to Mephisto's hell fire? Or is it actual fire now?
Also agree there just isn't any consistency. Red Hulk should consume incinerate debuffs like he does poison if you ask me. Phoenix should get like a Phoenix Force charge or something.